Hannover 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 9: Quanteneffekte 1
Montag, 24. März 2003, 14:00–16:00, F107
14:00 |
Q 9.1 |
Coupling single nanoparticles to a high-Q microsphere resonator — •Stephan Götzinger, Leonardo de S. Menezes, Andrea Mazzei, Vahid Sandoghdar, and Oliver Benson
14:15 |
Q 9.2 |
Kollektive Dynamik im Hochfinesseringresonator — •Thilo Elsässer, Boris Nagorny, Hendrik Richter und Andreas Hemmerich
14:30 |
Q 9.3 |
From antibunching to bunching in cavity QED — •M. Hennrich, A. Kuhn, and G. Rempe
14:45 |
Q 9.4 |
Quantum interference of independently generated single photons — •T. Legero, T. Wilk, A. Kuhn, and G. Rempe
15:00 |
Q 9.5 |
Wave and particle features of single visible photons — •Thomas Aichele, Val Zwiller, and Oliver Benson
15:15 |
Q 9.6 |
Vacuum-field level shifts in a single atom mediated by a single distant mirror — •Jürgen Eschner, Alex Wilson, Pavel Bouchev, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Christoph Becher, and Rainer Blatt
15:30 |
Q 9.7 |
Fock-Zustände und Phasendiffusion im Ein-Atom-Maser — •Thomas Becker, Jozef Fülöp, Gabriele Marchi, Edgar Umlauf, Linas Urbonas und Herbert Walther
15:45 |
Q 9.8 |
Decoherence of a continuously driven No-dqSchrödinger cat in cavity QED — •Pavel Lougovski, Berthold-Georg Englert, Enrique Solano, and Herbert Walther