Tübingen 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 13: Poster-Sitzung: Theorie
Dienstag, 18. März 2003, 13:30–15:30, Foyer
13:30 |
HK 13.1 |
SU(2) Yang-Mills-Theory in D=2+1 dimensions — •Claus Feuchter und Hugo Reinhardt
13:30 |
HK 13.2 |
Size and Shape of Baryons — •Alfons Buchmann
13:30 |
HK 13.3 |
A first glimpse of Quantum Gravity at the LHC — •Christoph Rahmede
13:30 |
HK 13.4 |
Quark Potentiale im Chromodielektrischen Modell — •Gunnar Martens, Carsten Greiner, Stefan Leupold und Ulrich Mosel
13:30 |
HK 13.5 |
Breakup of 9Be by a molecular single-particle effect in reactions around the Coulomb barrier: its effect on complete fusion — •Alexis Diaz-Torres, Ian Thompson, and Werner Scheid
13:30 |
HK 13.6 |
Quasiparticle Description of QCD at finite temperature and finite chemical potential (*) — •Michael Thaler, Roland Schneider, and Wolfram Weise
13:30 |
HK 13.7 |
S-wave Meson-Meson Scattering from Unitarized U(3) Chiral Lagrangians — •Buḡra Borasoy and Niklas Beisert
13:30 |
HK 13.8 |
Baryon magnetic moments and sigma terms in lattice-regularized chiral perturbation theory — •Buḡra Borasoy, Randy Lewis, and Pierre Ouimet
13:30 |
HK 13.9 |
Thermodynamics of the chiral condensate — •Thomas M. Schwarz, Norbert Kaiser, and Wolfram Weise
13:30 |
HK 13.10 |
Chiral dynamics of deeply bound pionic atoms — •Norbert Kaiser, Evgeni Kolomeitsev und Wolfram Weise
13:30 |
HK 13.11 |
Complete next-to-leading order calculation for pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at threshold — •Norbert Kaiser und Christoph Hanhart
13:30 |
HK 13.12 |
Induced pseudoscalar form factor of the nucleon at two-loop order — •Norbert Kaiser
13:30 |
HK 13.13 |
Isovector nuclear spin-orbit interaction from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics — •Norbert Kaiser
13:30 |
HK 13.14 |
Single-particle potential in a chiral approach to nuclear matter including short range NN-terms — •Norbert Kaiser und Stefan Fritsch
13:30 |
HK 13.15 |
Nuclear Many-Body Dynamics constrained by QCD and Chiral Symmetry — •Norbert Kaiser, Paolo Finelli, Dario Vretenar und Wolfram Weise