Tübingen 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 42: Kern- und Teilchen-Astrophysik IV
Donnerstag, 20. März 2003, 13:30–16:00, F
13:30 |
HK 42.1 |
Das Knie im Energiespektrum der kosmischen Strahlung — •Andreas Haungs
14:00 |
HK 42.2 |
Dense QCD and Compact Star Evolution — •David Blaschke, Deborah Aguilera, Jens Berdermann, Hovik Grigorian, Gevorg Poghosyan, and Dmitri Voskresensky
14:30 |
HK 42.3 |
Goldstone-Bosonen der Farbsupraleitung und Abkühlverhalten von Quarksternen — •Jens Berdermann, David Blaschke, Hovik Grigorian, Dmitri Voskresensky, and Deog-Ki Hong
14:45 |
HK 42.4 |
Phases of asymmetric nuclear matter with broken space symmetries — •Armen Sedrakian and Herbert Muether
15:00 |
HK 42.5 |
CRESST Experiment: Direct Dark Matter Particle Detection — •Josef Jochum
15:15 |
HK 42.6 |
Experimental studies of the East - West effect of the charge ratio of atmospheric muons with energies relevant to the atmospheric neutrino anomaly — •Iliana Brancus, Juergen Wentz, Bogdan Mitrica, Heinigerd Rebel, Mirel Petcu, Alexandru Bercuci, Cristina Aiftimiei, Marin Duma, and Gabriel Toma
15:30 |
HK 42.7 |
Pairing in the crust of neutron stars — •Fernando Montani, Herbert Müther, and Armen Sedrakian
15:45 |
HK 42.8 |
Catastrophic rearrangement of a compact star due to the quark core formation — •Matthias Hanauske, I.N. Mishustin, L.M. Satarov, A. Bhattacharyya, H. Stöcker, and W. Greiner