Kiel 2004 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 8: Plasma-Wand-Wechselwirkung I
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 14:45–17:05, H\"orsaal D
14:45 |
see HV VII
15:45 |
P 8.2 |
First results of the impact of the Dynamic Ergodic Divertor DED on transport in the plasma edge of TEXTOR measured by thermal atomic beam diagnostics — •Oliver Schmitz, Marcin Jakubowski, Michael Lehnen, Ulrich Samm, Bernd Schweer, and Bernhard Unterberg
16:05 |
P 8.3 |
A new active charge-exchange diagnostic for measuring the poloidal plasma rotation at the tokamak TEXTOR — •C. Busch, A. Kreter, B. Schweer, B. Unterberg, and U. Samm
16:25 |
P 8.4 |
Observation System of a Modulated Supersonic Helium Beam for the Measurement of Te and ne Fluctuations — •U. Kruezi, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, B. Unterberg, and U. Samm
16:45 |
P 8.5 |
Untersuchungen an Anoden für Hochdruckentladungslampen — •J. Mentel, L. Dabringhausen, O. Langenscheidt, S. Lichtenberg, M. Redwitz und P. Awakowicz