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UP: Umweltphysik
UP 7: Hydrosph
äre und Boden I
UP 7.6: Fachvortrag
Monday, March 22, 2004, 15:30–15:45, HS 020
Observation, Modelling and Use of Short Term Signals in Pump Induced Near Surface Tilt — •Marcus Fabian1 and Hans-Joachim Kümpel2 — 1Fachrichtung Angewandte Geophysik, Universität Bonn, Nussallee 8, 53115 Bonn — 2GGA Institut, Stilleweg 2, 30665 Hannover
Subsidence is frequently reported from locations above pumped reservoirs. Tiltmeters installed at shallow depths are able to detect the related tilt signals. We present observations of short term tilt and well head responses that showed non-monotonous transient signals induced by monotonous pumping. Modelling on the basis of poroelasticity has revealed that the transient signals can be used for a fast determination of subsoil parameters. Especially near surface tilt is sensitive to changes of the poroelastic parameters in deeper layers. Therefore, tilt monitoring above pumped reservoirs appears to be useful for controlling the reservoir quality and prevent overexploitation. With clusters of tiltmeters installed at shallow depths the pump induced surface deformation field spreading out in the surroundings of production wells can be imaged. Such observations allow a localization of buried heterogeneities and might be used to reduce ambiguities from hydrologic, seismic or electric surveying.