AKB 12: Active Systems: Complex Cellular Processes
Montag, 8. März 2004, 14:30–16:30, H40
14:30 |
AKB 12.1 |
Active Polymer Networks in Biological Cells — •Josef Käs, Claudia Brunner, Jochen Guck, Falk Wottawah, Stefan Schinkinger, Karla Mueller, Timo Betz, Bjoern Stuhrmann, Daniel Koch, Allen Ehrlicher, Michael Goegler, and David Smith
15:00 |
AKB 12.2 |
Dynamic Phenomena and Force Generation in Cells — •Frank Jülicher
15:30 |
AKB 12.3 |
Symmetriebrechung in einem mulitzellulären System am Besipiel der Hydra — •Albrecht Ott, Jordi Soriano und Cyril Colombo
16:00 |
AKB 12.4 |
Investigating Cell Division and Cell Protrusion by AFM — •Manfred Radmacher