10:30 |
AKB 50.1 |
Spatial discreteness and stability of reaction-diffusion systems — •Rüdiger Thul and Martin Falcke
10:30 |
AKB 50.2 |
Modelling regulatory genetic system as random boolean network — •Viktor Kaufman
10:30 |
AKB 50.3 |
Elektrische Stimulation von neuronalen Netzwerken über ein strukturiertes Elektrodeninterface — •A. Reiher, A. Krtschil, S. Günther, H. Witte, A. Krost, A. de Lima, T. Opitz, T. Voigt, K. Kube, V. Spravedlyvyy, A. Herzog und B. Michaelis
10:30 |
AKB 50.4 |
Modelling long-term evolution of food webs — •Satoshi Uchida and Barbara Drossel
10:30 |
AKB 50.5 |
Elasticity of Two-Dimensional Stiff Polymer Networks — •Claus Heussinger and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.6 |
Using Spins to Find Functional Modules of Bio-Molecular Networks — •Sabine Tornow
10:30 |
AKB 50.7 |
Mechanics and Force Generation of a Single Cell in Presence of Cytoskeleton Structure Modifying Bioactive Lipids. — •alexandre Micoulet, Joachim P. Spatz, and Thomas Seufferlein
10:30 |
AKB 50.8 |
Fibronectin fiber formation by surface tension on microfabricated pillar interfaces — •Jens Ulmer, Stefan Graeter, Wouter Roos, and Joachim Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.9 |
Substrate Dependent Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis of Adherent Cells — •Tilo Pompe, Manfred Bobeth, and Wolfgang Pompe
10:30 |
AKB 50.10 |
Rod-Coil Multiblock Copolymers as a Simple Protein Model: Some Scaling Arguments — •Christian Nowak and Thomas Vilgis
10:30 |
AKB 50.11 |
First-Passage and Residence Times in a Periodically Driven Integrate-and-Fire Model — •Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner, and Peter Hänggi
10:30 |
AKB 50.12 |
Fluorescence intermittency of single CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: A comparison between organic and water soluble ligand shells. — •Andrei Yu. Kobitski, Colin D. Heyes, Vladimir V. Breus, Kirill V. Anikin, and G. Ulrich Nienhaus
10:30 |
AKB 50.13 |
Artificial actin cortices on microfabricated pillar arrays — •Wouter Roos, Alexander Roth, Roman Glass, Erich Sackmann, and Joachim P. Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.14 |
Dynamics of cell adhesion contacts and forces on rigid nanoadhesive templates — •Christine Selhuber, Marco Arnold, Roman Glass, Jacques Blümmel, Horst Kessler, and Joachim Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.15 |
Probing a Biomimetic Model of the Actin Cortex with Dynamic Holographic Optical Tweezers — •Christian Schmitz, Jennifer Curtis, and Joachim Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.16 |
Optical Control of Neuronal Growth — •Björn Stuhrmann, Josef Käs, Allen Ehrlicher, Michael Gögler, Daniel Koch, and Timo Betz
10:30 |
AKB 50.17 |
Elektrische Charakterisierung von Metall-Glas-Elektrodenstrukturen zur Stimulation von Neuronen — •S. Günther, A. Krtschil, A. Reiher, H. Witte, A. Krost, A. de Lima, T. Opitz und T. Voigt
10:30 |
AKB 50.18 |
Mechanism of Model Membrane Fusion Determined from Monte Carlo Simulation — •Marcus Mueller, Kirill Katsov, and Michael Schick
10:30 |
AKB 50.19 |
Far-infrared spectroscopy of α amino acids — •Adriana Matei, Natalia Drichko, Bruno Gompf, and Martin Dressel
10:30 |
AKB 50.20 |
Transverse fluctuations of grafted polymers — •Gianluca Lattanzi, Tobias Munk, and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.21 |
Structure control in living bone — •Markus A. Hartmann, Richard Weinkamer, Yves Brechet, and Peter Fratzl
10:30 |
AKB 50.22 |
Stability of adhesion clusters under constant force: a stochastic analysis — •Thorsten Erdmann and Ulrich S. Schwarz
10:30 |
AKB 50.23 |
Probing molecular free energy landscapes by periodic loading — •Oliver Braun, Andreas Hanke, and Udo Seifert
10:30 |
AKB 50.24 |
Dynamics of Eukaryotic Flagella — •Andreas Hilfinger, Ingmar Riedel, Amit Chattopadhyay, Karsten Kruse, Jonathon Howard, and Frank Jülicher
10:30 |
AKB 50.25 |
Ab initio - Berechnungen von elektrischen Feldgradienten in biologischen Molekülen — •Frank Heinrich und Wolfgang Tröger
10:30 |
AKB 50.26 |
204mPb: Eine „neue“ isomere TDPAC-Sonde — •Frank Heinrich, Wolfgang Tröger und Heinz Haas
10:30 |
AKB 50.27 |
A model for pathfinding and targeting in mixed populations of axons — •Peter Borowski and Martin Zapotocky
10:30 |
AKB 50.28 |
Minkowski Functionals of high-dimensional data sets: application to protein analysis — •Boris Breidenbach, Hubert Mantz, and Klaus Mecke
10:30 |
AKB 50.29 |
Filament depolimerization by motor molecules — •Gernot Klein, Giovanni Cuniberti, Karsten Kruse, and Frank Jülicher
10:30 |
AKB 50.30 |
In-situ investigation of wood pyrolysis with synchrotron radiation — •Gerald Andreas Zickler, Cordt Zollfrank, Manfred Burghammer, and Oskar Paris
10:30 |
AKB 50.31 |
Modelling of Rhodopsin Chromophore — •Minoru Sugihara, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar, Peter Entel, Volker Buss, and Marcus Elstner
10:30 |
AKB 50.32 |
Unbinding Transitions of Filament Bundles — •Jan Kierfeld, Torsten Kühne, and Reinhard Lipowsky
10:30 |
AKB 50.33 |
Application of micron and nano scale metal island patterns as coordinative system for quantifying intracellular diffusion — •Tamas Haraszti and Joachim P. Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.34 |
Elastic interactions of cells with soft materials — •Ilka Bischofs and Ulrich Schwarz
10:30 |
AKB 50.35 |
Active forces of motile cells — •Claudia Brunner, Michael Gögler, Allen Ehrlicher, and Josef Käs
10:30 |
AKB 50.36 |
Functionalization and Passivation of a Silicon-on-Insulator based Sensor Device — •Petra A. Neff, Michael G. Nikolaides, Stefan Rauschenbach, Simon Q. Lud, and Andreas R. Bausch
10:30 |
AKB 50.37 |
Activation of Integrin Function by Nanopatterned Adhesive Interfaces — •Marco Arnold, Elisabetta Ada Cavalcanti , Roman Glass, Jacques Blümmel, Wolfgang Eck, Martin Kantlehner, Horst Kessler, and Joachim P. Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.38 |
Coherent Scatter Computed Tomography — •Johannes Delfs, Jens-Peter Schlomka, and Robert L. Johnson
10:30 |
AKB 50.39 |
An individual-based Model to Tumor Growth in Vitro — •Drasdo Dirk and Hoehme Stefan
10:30 |
AKB 50.40 |
Dynamics of Tension in Semiflexible Polymers — •Oskar Hallatschek, Erwin Frey, and Klaus Kroy
10:30 |
AKB 50.41 |
Overdamped Buckling Dynamics — •Oskar Hallatschek, Erwin Frey, and Klaus Kroy
10:30 |
AKB 50.42 |
Linear response of a grafted semiflexible polymer to a uniform field — •Panayotis Benetatos and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.43 |
Depinning of weakly bending semiflexible polymers — •Panayotis Benetatos and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.44 |
Random walks of molecular motors — •Stefan Klumpp, Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen, and Reinhard Lipowsky
10:30 |
AKB 50.45 |
Gating charge effects for nerve excitation — •Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk, and Peter Hänggi
10:30 |
AKB 50.46 |
Membrane mechanics and polymer decoration — •Thorsten Auth and Gerhard Gompper
10:30 |
AKB 50.47 |
Elastic and caloric properties of model membranes at the chain melting transition — •Wolfgang Manglkammer and Jan K. Krüger
10:30 |
AKB 50.48 |
Vesicle adhesion and cohesion at finite temperature — •Thomas Gruhn and Reinhard Lipowsky
10:30 |
AKB 50.49 |
Morphogen transport by planar transcytosis — •Tobias Bollenbach, Karsten Kruse, Periklis Pantazis, Marcos González-Gaitán, and Frank Jülicher
10:30 |
AKB 50.50 |
Kinetics of salivary protein adsorption — •Anthony Quinn, Hubert Mantz, and Karin Jacobs
10:30 |
AKB 50.51 |
Studying cell adhesion with holographic optical tweezers — •Jennifer E. Curtis and Joachim P. Spatz
10:30 |
AKB 50.52 |
Electronic Transport in DNA — •Daphne Klotsa, Rudolf A. Römer, and Matthew S. Turner
10:30 |
AKB 50.53 |
Interlamellar variation of the 3D bone nanostructure — •Wolfgang Wagermaier, Himadri S. Gupta, Paul Roschger, Manfred Burghammer, Klaus Klaushofer, and Peter Fratzl
10:30 |
AKB 50.54 |
Fusion of giant vesicles observed with time resolution below a millisecond — •Rumiana Dimova, Christopher Haluska, Karin A. Riske, Valerie Marchi-Arztner, and Reinhard Lipowsky
10:30 |
AKB 50.55 |
Bestimmung der intra- und extraneuronalen Eisenkonzentration im Gehirn mittels Ionenstrahlanalytik — •Christoph Meinecke, Tilo Reinert, Markus Morawski, Thomas Arendt und Tilman Butz
10:30 |
AKB 50.56 |
Diffusion in Inhomogeneous Monolayers as Biomimetic Membranes — •Carsten Selle, Florian Rückerl, Douglas S. Martin, Martin B. Forstner, Natalie Bordag, Marlis Wilke, and Josef Käs
10:30 |
AKB 50.57 |
Production and Mechanical Properties of Designed Porous Ceramic Scaffolds — •Alexander Woesz, Monika Rumpler, Juergen Stampfl, Franz Varga, Nadja Fratzl-Zelman, Paul Roschger, Klaus Klaushofer, and Peter Fratzl
10:30 |
AKB 50.58 |
The History of Mutation Pattern along the Human Genome — •Peter Arndt
10:30 |
AKB 50.59 |
Microfabricated label-free biosensors — •Jürgen Fritz
10:30 |
AKB 50.60 |
The emergence of a torus-like attractor in a hemin containing pH oscillator — •Ronny Straube, Dietrich Flockerzi, Marcus J.B. Hauser, and Stefan C. Müller
10:30 |
AKB 50.61 |
Pressure-Induced Unfolding of Myoglobin: Neutron Diffraction and Dynamic Scattering Experiments — •Wolfgang Doster, Ronald Gebhardt, and Alan Soper
10:30 |
AKB 50.62 |
Collective dynamics of lipid membranes studied by inelastic neutron scattering — •Maikel C. Rheinstädter, Christoph Ollinger, Giovanna Fragneto, and Tim Salditt
10:30 |
AKB 50.63 |
Investigation of the N-terminal domain of LHCII using single molecule techniques — •Felix Neugart, Sebastian Schuler, Carsten Tietz, Jörg Wrachtrup, Stephanie Boggasch, and Manuel Lion
10:30 |
AKB 50.64 |
Continuum theory of filamental self-organization — •Alexander Zumdieck, Karsten Kruse, and Frank Jülicher
10:30 |
AKB 50.65 |
Spontaneous Oscillations by hair bundles from the vertebrate inner ear — •Björn Nadrowski, Pascal Martin, and Frank Jülicher
10:30 |
AKB 50.66 |
Structure and Fluctuations of Highly Oriented and Charged Membranes Under Osmotic Stress. — •Guillaume Brotons, Ulrike Mennicke, and Tim Salditt
10:30 |
AKB 50.67 |
X-ray and neutron reflectivity analysis of peptide-lipid model systems — •Chenghao Li und Tim Salditt
10:30 |
AKB 50.68 |
Investigation of Lipid Multilayers under Electric Field Using X-Ray Reflectivity — •Doru Constantin, Christoph Ollinger, and Tim Salditt
10:30 |
AKB 50.69 |
A cluster mode–coupling approach to weak gelation in colloids and proteins — •Klaus Kroy
10:30 |
AKB 50.70 |
Strain hardening of biological tissue — •Klaus Kroy and Thomas Franosch
10:30 |
AKB 50.71 |
Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) of Novel Pd Bionanocatalysts — •Barbara Aichmayer, Ingomar Jäger, Michael Mertig, Oskar Paris, and Peter Fratzl
10:30 |
AKB 50.72 |
10:30 |
AKB 50.73 |
Fast and Slow Transistor Records of Recombinant Voltage-Gated K+ Channels — •Matthias Brittinger and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.74 |
Capacitive Opening of Ion Channels in Cell Membranes on Silicon Chips — •Maximilian H. Ulbrich und Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.75 |
Electrical Imaging of Neuronal Activity with CMOS Chip at 8 Micrometer Resolution — •A. Lambacher, M. Jenkner, B. Eversmann, M. Merz, A. Kaul, F. Hofmann, R. Thewes, and P. Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.76 |
Electrical Coupling of Lipid Vesicles to Silicon Chips — •Christian Figger and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.77 |
High-K Coatings on Silicon Chips for Capacitive Stimulation of Cells. — •Frank Wallrapp and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.78 |
10:30 |
AKB 50.79 |
Topologically Defined Networks of Mollusc Neurons Electrically Interfaced to Silicon Chips. — •Matthias Merz and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.80 |
Extracellular Recording of Individual Mammalian Neurons with Low Noise Field Effect Transistors — •Moritz Voelker and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.81 |
Small Cantilever AFM for Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy — •Joerg Martini, Volker Walhorn, Jeroen Steen, Tobias Kramer, Gyuman Kim, Juergen Brugger, Robert Ros, and Dario Anselmetti
10:30 |
AKB 50.82 |
X-ray scattering and microscopy on spider silk fibers — •Anja Glisovic, Juergen Thieme, Peter Guttmann, and Tim Salditt
10:30 |
AKB 50.83 |
Transistor Array probes Release of Vesicles of Chromaffin Cells — •Janosch Lichtenberger and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.84 |
Effective pair–potential approach to entangled stiff polymers — •Sven van Teeffelen, Erwin Frey, and Klaus Kroy
10:30 |
AKB 50.85 |
Silicon chip with cultured rat hippocampus slice interfaced with arrays of capacitors and transistors — •Michael Hutzler and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.86 |
Growth of the Mineral Particles in Bone - Combined Study of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Electron Backscattering (qBEI) — •A. Valenta, P. Roschger, B.M. Misof, O. Paris, W. Tesch, S. Bernstorff, H. Amenitsch, K. Klaushofer, and P. Fratzl
10:30 |
AKB 50.87 |
SARS membrane protein E in model membranes: structural — •Ziad Khattari, Guillaume Brotons, Tim Salditt, and Shy Arkin
10:30 |
AKB 50.88 |
Dynamics of Lipid and Protein Domains in Biomembranes — •Karin John and Markus Bär
10:30 |
AKB 50.89 |
Complex Crystal Growth of CaCO3 controlled by Diblock-Copolymer Solutions — •Antje Reinecke, Helmut Cölfen, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
10:30 |
AKB 50.90 |
Giant Hexagonal Superstructures in Diblock-Copolymer Membranes — •Wojciech Góźdź, Christopher Haluska, Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Stephan Förster, and Gerhard Gompper
10:30 |
AKB 50.91 |
Slow Relaxation Dynamics of Tubular Polymersomes after Thermal Quench — •Antje Reinecke and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
10:30 |
AKB 50.92 |
Advanced Flicker Spectroscopy of Fluid Membranes — •Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Gerhard Gompper, Christopher K. Haluska, Daniel M. Kroll, Peter G. Petrov, and Karin A. Riske
10:30 |
AKB 50.93 |
Mechanisms of pattern formation during T cell adhesion — •Thomas Weikl
10:30 |
AKB 50.94 |
DNA in situ hybridization detection by gold conjugated nanoparticles and Atomic Force Microscopy — •Gabriella Teti, Konstantin Agelopoulos , Burkhard Brandt , Stefan Thalhammer , and Wolfgang Heckl
10:30 |
AKB 50.95 |
Global pattern formation from local cell-to-cell communication — •Thimo Rohlf and Stefan Bornholdt
10:30 |
AKB 50.96 |
A biological solar energy generator — •Dieter F. Ihrig, H. Michael Heise, Alexander Moor, Manuel Gemuend, Darius Wilczek, Ruediger Kuckuk, and Martin Poschmann
10:30 |
AKB 50.97 |
FCS used to study translational mobilities in plasma membranes of living cells — •Margarita Khazarchyan, Elmar Thews, Carsten Tietz, Jörg Wrachtrup, Sylvia Willi, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich , and Peter Scheurich
10:30 |
AKB 50.98 |
Stepwise rotation of the epsilon-subunit of EFoF1-ATP synthase during ATP synthesis and hydrolysis - a single-molecule FRET approach — •Michael Börsch, Boris Zimmermann, Nawid Zarrabi, Manuel Diez, and Peter Gräber
10:30 |
AKB 50.99 |
DNA translocation through a biological nanopore — •Ulrich F. Keyser, N. Wennersbusch, D. J. Bonthuis, N. H. Dekker, X. S. Ling, and Cees Dekker
10:30 |
AKB 50.100 |
Immobilisation of the Light harvesting complex LH1 of Rhodospirillum rubrum on nanostructured surfaces — •Britta Götze, Carsten Tietz, and Jörg Wrachtrup
10:30 |
AKB 50.101 |
Biomechanical investigations of collagen fibrils — •Stefan Strasser, Wolfgang M. Heckl, and Stefan Thalhammer
10:30 |
AKB 50.102 |
Contact Resistance of Cell Silicon Junctions Measured with Voltage-Sensitive Dye — •Raimund Gleixner and Peter Fromherz
10:30 |
AKB 50.103 |
Correlation functions and Boltzmann Langevin approach for driven one dimensional lattices gases — •Paolo Pierobon, Felix Von Oppen, Andrea Parmeggiani, and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.104 |
An off-lattice model for multicellular tumor spheroid growth — •Gernot Schaller and Michael Meyer-Hermann
10:30 |
AKB 50.105 |
Molecular dynamics of intramyocellular metabolites from high-resolution in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy — •Leif Schröder, Christian Schmitz, and Peter Bachert
10:30 |
AKB 50.106 |
Are there lipid rafts? — •Heiko Heerklotz
10:30 |
AKB 50.107 |
Contact mechanics of bioinspired fibrillar structures — •Ralph Spolenak, Stanislav Gorb, and Eduard Arzt
10:30 |
AKB 50.108 |
Geometrical parameters of periodical structures by 1H NMR — •Stefan Kirsch and Peter Bachert
10:30 |
AKB 50.109 |
Asynchronous networks of switches and the reliability of gene regulation — •Konstantin Klemm and Stefan Bornholdt
10:30 |
AKB 50.110 |
Spatially periodic patterns in nematic and biopolymer-motor systems — •Falko Ziebert and Walter Zimmermann
10:30 |
AKB 50.111 |
Entropic Forces between Biopolymers — •Azam Gholami and Erwin Frey
10:30 |
AKB 50.112 |
Electrophoretic Accumulation of Membrane Bound Proteins on Polymer Supports — •Joachim Hermann, Markus Fischer, Steven Boxer, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.113 |
Vesicles in the Optical Stretcher - Shape changes induced by stress-dependent flip-flop processes — •Frank Sauer, Stefan Schinkinger, Falk Wottawah, Bryan Lincoln, and Jochen Guck
10:30 |
AKB 50.114 |
Pattern formation in systems with conservation laws — •Ronny Peter and Walter Zimmermann
10:30 |
AKB 50.115 |
Hopf-bifurcations in systems with conserved quantities — •Markus Hilt and Walter Zimmermann
10:30 |
AKB 50.116 |
Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy on Single Light-Harvesting Complexes of Higher Plants — •Carsten Tietz, Sebastian Schuler, Fedor Jelezko, Heiko Lokstein, and Jörg Wrachtrup
10:30 |
AKB 50.117 |
Cell Adhesion onto Highly Curved Particle Surfaces - One-Step Immobilization of Cell Membranes — •Motomu Tanaka und Stefan Kaufmann
10:30 |
AKB 50.118 |
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data Sets in Dictyostelium — •Christiane Hilgardt, Marc-Thorsten Hütt, and Stefan C. Müller
10:30 |
AKB 50.119 |
Functional Micro-Domains of Glycolipids with Partially Fluorinated Membrane Anchors - Impact on Cell Adhesion — •Motomu Tanaka, Matthias Schneider, Laurent Limozin, Doris Heinrich, Gabriele Schumacher, Gerd Bendas, Ulrich Rothe, Christian Gege, and Richard Schmidt
10:30 |
AKB 50.120 |
Functional Micro-Domains of Glycolipids with Partially Fluorinated Membrane Anchors - Impact on Cell Adhesion — •Motomu Tanaka, Matthias Schneider, Laurent Limozin, Doris Heinrich, Gabriele Schumacher, Gerd Bendas, Ulrich Rothe, Christian Gege, and Richard Schmidt
10:30 |
AKB 50.121 |
Hydration limits of synthetic glycolipids under controlled osmotic pressure - a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) study — •Florian Rehfeldt, Bruno Demé, Christian Gege, Richard R. Schmidt, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.122 |
Deposition of Supported Membranes with F1F0-ATP-Synthase on Cellulose Thin Films — •Murat Tutus, Thomas Nawroth, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.123 |
Structure and Elasticity of DNA and Chromatin — •Ralf Everaers and Boris Mergell
10:30 |
AKB 50.124 |
Towards folding and assembly of single light-harvesting complexes from plants — •Peter Schwaderer, Sebastian Schuler, Carsten Tietz, Ulrich Gerlach, Harald Paulsen, and Jörg Wrachtrup
10:30 |
AKB 50.125 |
Optical Microheology on Biological Cells — •Falk Wottawah, Stefan Schinkinger, Bryan Lincoln, Maren Romeyke, Revathi Ananthakrishnan, Josef Käs, and Jochen Guck
10:30 |
AKB 50.126 |
Molecular motors in cells: an analogue for thermotropic ordering — •David Smith and Josef Käs
10:30 |
AKB 50.127 |
Induced changes in comformation and charge density of thin polymer films at the interface - a neutron and x-ray reflectivity study towards controlled protein-surface interaction — •Florian Rehfeldt, Roland Steitz, Regine v. Klitzing, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.128 |
Solid domains in fluid vesicles — •Erwin Gutlederer, Thomas Gruhn und Reinhard Lipowsky
10:30 |
AKB 50.129 |
Functional Incorporation of Cell Receptors into Polymer Tethered Membranes - Influence of Spacer Length and Density — •Oliver Purrucker, Stephanie Gönnenwein, Monika Rusp, Anton Förtig, Rainer Jordan, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.130 |
Dissipative Micro-Domain Formation in Transferred Lipid / Lipopolymer Monolayers — •Oliver Purrucker, Anton Förtig, Rainer Jordan, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.131 |
Biophysical applications of chemically engineered GaAs-based semiconductors — •Klaus Adlkofer, Daniel Gassul, Andrey Shaporenko, Michael Zharnikov, Michael Grunze, Abraham Ulman, and Motomu Tanaka
10:30 |
AKB 50.132 |
Thermal fluctuation analysis of grafted microtubules — •Francesco Pampaloni, Gianluca Lattanzi, A. Jonas, Erwin Frey, Ernst-Ludwig Florin, and