CPP 5: Computational Physics
Montag, 8. März 2004, 10:00–11:15, H 39
10:00 |
CPP 5.1 |
Numerical Studies of Tethered Chains at Adsorbing Surfaces — •Radu Descas, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Alexander Blumen
10:15 |
CPP 5.2 |
Viscoelastic Relaxation of Copolymeric Structures — •Cristian Satmarel, Alexander Blumen, Andrei Gurtovenko, and Christian von Ferber
10:30 |
CPP 5.3 |
Statistical Properties of Off-Lattice Heteropolymers — •Michael Bachmann, Wolfhard Janke, and Handan Arkin
10:45 |
CPP 5.4 |
Collapse of Long Lattice Polymers — •Thomas Vogel, Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
11:00 |
CPP 5.5 |
Time-depedent density functional theory applied in molecules, liquids and solids — •Ari P Seitsonen and Jürg Hutter