CPP 7: Physics of Polymers I
Montag, 8. März 2004, 14:00–15:30, H 37
14:00 |
CPP 7.1 |
Scaling properties of critical polymer blends and polymer solutions near the glass transition — •Werner Köhler, Wolfgang Enge, and Jürgen Rauch
14:15 |
CPP 7.2 |
Surface glass transition of monodisperse polystyrenes and their bimodal mixtures investigated by the embedding of noble metal nanoclusters and the XPS-charging effect — •Jörn Erichsen, Tesfaye Shiferaw, Jörn Kanzow, Ulrich Schürmann, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, and Franz Faupel
14:30 |
CPP 7.3 |
Structural and dynamic properties and aging mechanisms of thin epoxy network layers — •Jörn Kanzow, Franz Faupel , Carsten Wehlack, Wulff Possart, Laszlo Liszkay, Werner Egger, Peter Sperr, and Gottfried Kögel
14:45 |
CPP 7.4 |
Kristallisation und Alterung des biosynthetischen Polymers PHB — •Antje Bergmann und Anthony Owen
15:00 |
CPP 7.5 |
On the Nature of the Chemically Induced Glass Transition — •Thomas Britz, Jan Kristian Krüger, Ulrich Müller, Ravindrakumar Bactavatchalou, and Roland Sanctuary
15:15 |
CPP 7.6 |
Molecular dynamics of alternating maleimide copolymers as studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy — •Julius Tsuwi, Dietmar Appelhans, and Friedrich Kremer