CPP 8: Physics of Polymers II
Montag, 8. März 2004, 15:45–17:30, H 37
15:45 |
CPP 8.1 |
The effect of spatially inhomogeneous mixing of polymers and cross-links for end-linked polymer networks — •Michael Lang, Dietmar Göritz, and Stefan Kreitmeier
16:00 |
CPP 8.2 |
Hypersonic relaxation in glass-formers: Thermodynamic theory and experimental studies using Brillouin spectroscopy — •Jörg Baller, Jan Kristian Krüger, Thomas Britz, Wulff Possart, Wolfgang Manglkammer, and Roland Sanctuary
16:15 |
CPP 8.3 |
Breakup of droplets in PS/PMMA blends after equibiaxial elongation — •Ulrich A. Handge
16:30 |
CPP 8.4 |
Microtribological Properties of Fluorine-Based Polymers Deposited by Sol-Gel — •Phani Ayalasomayajula, Guiseppe Breliozzi, Imad Ahmed, and Henry Haefke
16:45 |
CPP 8.5 |
Strain-dependent localization, microscopic deformations, andmacroscopic normal tensions in model polymer networks — •Carsten Svaneborg, Gary S. Grest, and Ralf Everaers
17:00 |
CPP 8.6 |
Infrared ellipsometric study of miscibility in thin double layers of two polymers — •K. Hinrichs, A. Röseler, E.H. Korte, N. Nikonenko, J. Pionteck, and K.-J. Eichhorn
17:15 |
CPP 8.7 |
Generalized Cauchy-Relation and its Implications for Amorphous and Nano-Structured Materials — •Jan Kristian Krüger, Thomas Britz, Jörg Baller, Andrä le Coutre, Wulff Possart, Patrick Alnot, and Roland Sanctuary