DF 6: Nanostrukturen, Schichten und Keramiken
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 09:30–12:30, H11
09:30 |
DF 6.1 |
Probing ferroelectricity at small length and short time scales — •Theo Rasing
10:10 |
DF 6.2 |
Charakterisierung von PZT-Keramiken mit hochauflösender Röntgenspektroskopie — •M. J. Hoffmann
10:50 |
DF 6.3 |
Electrical fatigue of PZT ferroelectric films: in-situ structural investigations — •J.L. Cao, U. Klemradt, A. Solbach, U. Böttger, U. Ellerkmann, P. Gerber, P. J. Schorn, and R. Waser
11:10 |
DF 6.4 |
The contribution of misfit dislocations to polarization instabi-lities of epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 nanoislands — •D. Hesse, M.-W. Chu, I. Szafraniak, R. Scholz, C. Harnagea, and M. Alexe
11:30 |
DF 6.5 |
Infrared near-field microscopy of focused ion beam patterned SiC — •Nenad Ocelic and Rainer Hillenbrand
11:50 |
DF 6.6 |
First investigations of MIM capacitors using Pr2O3 dielectrics — •Christian Wenger, Gunther Lippert, Hans-Joachim Muessig, Peter Zaumseil, Roland Sorge, and Jaroslaw Dambrowski
12:10 |
DF 6.7 |
CURRENT TRANSPORT AND SIZE-EFFETCS IN ULTRA-THIN FERROELECTRIC BARRIERS — •H. Kohlstedt, N. A. Pertsev, J. Rodriguez-Contreras, A. Gerber, J. Schubert, C. Jia, U. Poppe, and R. Waser