DS 13: Schichteigenschaften III
Mittwoch, 10. März 2004, 16:45–18:00, HS 31
16:45 |
DS 13.1 |
Microtribology of Nanocomposite Self-lubricating Coatings — •Vladislav Spassov, Imad Ahmed, Giuseppe Bregliozzi, Alan Savan und Henry Haefke
17:00 |
DS 13.2 |
Mechanical properties of laser deposited PMMA films — •Erik Süske, Thorsten Scharf, Peter Schaaf, Elena Panchenko, Dorit Nelke, Michael Buback, Harald Kijewski, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
17:15 |
DS 13.3 |
Effect of Microwave radiation on structural and mechanical properties of Al2O3 thin films deposited by sol-gel process — •Phani Ayalasomayajula and Henry Haefke
17:30 |
DS 13.4 |
Characterization of the amorphous-crystalline silicon interface by time resolved surface photovoltage and photoluminescence techniques — •Abdelazize Laades, Klaus Kliefoth, Rolf Stangl, Manfred Schmidt, and Walther Fuhs
17:45 |
DS 13.5 |
Nachweis akustischer Oberflächenphononen in BN-beschichteten Kohlenstofffasern — •T. Wittkowski, K. Jung, B. Hillebrands, S. Stöckel, K. Weise und G. Marx