DS 7: Spezielle Schichten III
Montag, 8. März 2004, 11:30–12:30, HS 32
11:30 |
DS 7.1 |
Tunable multiple plasmon resonance wavelengths response from multicomponent polymer-metal nanocomposite systems — •Oral Cenk Aktas, Abhijit Biswas, Ulrich Schürmann, Usman Saeed, Thomas Strunskus, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, and Franz Faupel
11:45 |
DS 7.2 |
Growth and structure of phthalocyanine thin films on SiO2 and octadecyltriethoxisilanes — •Dimas Garcia de Oteyza , Esther Barrena, J. Oriol Ossó , and Helmut Dosch
12:00 |
DS 7.3 |
Effect of surface structure on hydrophobicity — •Phani Ayalasomayajula, Yvonne Gerbig, and Henry Haefke
12:15 |
DS 7.4 |
AFM investigation of oligophenyl thin films on crystalline substrates — •G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, S. Müllegger, A. Winkler, R. Resel, S. Berkebile, and M. Ramsey