16:00 |
DY 46.1 |
Period orbit expansion for simple spin systems — •Sarah Hallerberg, Wolfram Just, and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 46.2 |
Numerical Results for the Generalized Mittag-Leffler Function — •Hansjörg Seybold and Rudolf Hilfer
16:00 |
DY 46.3 |
Characterization of Carbonates Using Local Porosity Theory — •Ali Moosavi and Rudolf Hilfer
16:00 |
DY 46.4 |
Universal energy distribution for interfaces in a random field environment — •Semjon Stepanow und Andrei A. Fedorenko
16:00 |
DY 46.5 |
Dynamics and shock formation in an exclusion process with creation and annihilation — •Róbert Juhász, Martin Evans, and Ludger Santen
16:00 |
DY 46.6 |
Kritische Dynamik von Modell C — •Günter Moser und Reinhard Folk
16:00 |
DY 46.7 |
Zusammenhang von α- und (langsamer) β-Relaxation in Glasbildnern — •Manfred Winterlich und Roland Böhmer
16:00 |
DY 46.8 |
Einfluss der anharmonischen Wechselwirkung auf den "Boson-Peak" — •Edith Maurer, Walter Schirmacher und Markus Pöhlmann
16:00 |
DY 46.9 |
Identification of Ion Sites in Glasses from Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Configurations — •Renata Brosińska, Junko Habasaki, and Philipp Maass
16:00 |
DY 46.10 |
Vacancy model for the mixed alkali effect — •Robby Peibst, Stephan Schott, Hartmut Grille, and Philipp Maass
16:00 |
DY 46.11 |
Magnification control of concave/convex learning in self-organizing neural maps and neural gas — •Jens Christian Claussen and Thomas Villmann
16:00 |
DY 46.12 |
The Dynamics of Learning Vector Quantization — •Michael Biehl, Ansgar Freking, and Georg Reents
16:00 |
DY 46.13 |
Parameters estimation of hidden diffusion processes — •Abdelhadi Benabdallah and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 46.14 |
Duality Transformation for Quantum Ratchets — •Joël Peguiron and Milena Grifoni
16:00 |
DY 46.15 |
Velocity fluctuations in ratchets — •Lukasz Machura and Peter Hänggi
16:00 |
DY 46.16 |
Dynamics and interaction of dissipative solitons — •Hendrik U. Bödeker, Andreas W. Liehr, Till D. Frank, Rudolf Friedrich, Ulf-Hendrik Hansen, and Hans-Georg Purwins
16:00 |
DY 46.17 |
Characterisation of atrial fibrillation by analysis of ECG records — •Th. Hennig, A. Heinen, St. Heinrichs, D. Jäger, and Ph. Maass
16:00 |
DY 46.18 |
Stochastic resonance in colloidal systems — •Dusan Babic, Carmen Schmitt, Igor Poberaj, and Clemens Bechinger
16:00 |
DY 46.19 |
Exact Analytical Solutions and Unpredictability of the Lorenz System — •Oliver Strebel
16:00 |
DY 46.20 |
Online-Simulation von Fahrzeugen auf komplexen Straßennetzwerken mit einem Zellularautomatenmodell — •Florian Mazur, Roland Chrobok, Sigurdur F. Hafstein, Andreas Pottmeier und Michael Schreckenberg
16:00 |
DY 46.21 |
Konzeption und Anwendung des Verkehrsinformationssystems OLSIM — •Florian Mazur, Roland Chrobok, Sigurdur F. Hafstein, Andreas Pottmeier und Michael Schreckenberg
16:00 |
DY 46.22 |
Comparison of different coupling schemes for time-delayed feedback control — •Andreas Borck, Wolfram Just, and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 46.23 |
Improvement of time-delayed feedback control by oscillating feedback — •Andreas Fichtner, Andreas Fichtner, Wolfram Just, Günter Radons, and Wolfram Just
16:00 |
DY 46.24 |
Erregungswellen in quasi-zweidimensionalen, gekrümmten Reaktions-Diffusions-Systemen — •Niklas Manz und Stefan C. Müller
16:00 |
DY 46.25 |
Lyapunov Instabilities in Lennard-Jones Fluids — •Hongliu Yang and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 46.26 |
Hydrodynamic Lyapunov Modes in Coupled Map Lattices — •Hongliu Yang and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 46.27 |
The OFC earthquake model in d=1 dimension — •Felix Wissel and Barbara Drossel
16:00 |
DY 46.28 |
Magnetic Billiards as Hamiltonian Ratchets — •Manamohan Prusty and Holger Schanz
16:00 |
DY 46.29 |
Traveling waves in a reaction-diffusion system under periodic forcing — •E. P. Zemskov, K. Kassner, and S. C. Mueller
16:00 |
DY 46.30 |
Dynamics of colloidal particles in a toroidal optical trap — •Michael Reichert and Holger Stark
16:00 |
DY 46.31 |
Dissipative Solitonen-Moleküle in Reaktions-Diffusions-Systemen — •A. W. Liehr, M. C. Röttger und H.-G. Purwins
16:00 |
DY 46.32 |
Universal behavior in complex front systems — •Andreas Amann, Andreas Wacker, and Eckehard Schöll
16:00 |
DY 46.33 |
The effect of long-term correlations on clustering of extreme events — •Jan F. Eichner, Armin Bunde, Jan W. Kantelhardt, and Shlomo Havlin
16:00 |
DY 46.34 |
Transport von Sauerstoff in dünne Flüssigkeitsfilme — •Marcus J. B. Hauser und Stefan C. Müller
16:00 |
DY 46.35 |
Dynamics and Control of a 2-D Passive Dynamic Walker — •Joachim Haß, Norbert Mayer, and Michael Herrmann
16:00 |
DY 46.36 |
Calculation of periodic orbits and spectral correlations in pseudointegrable systems — •Jesper Mellenthin and Stefanie Russ
16:00 |
DY 46.37 |
Resonance-assisted tunneling in the kicked rotor — •Christopher Eltschka and Peter Schlagheck
16:00 |
DY 46.38 |
Level dynamics in pseudointegrable billiards: an experimental study — •Yuriy Hlushchuk, Stefanie Russ, Ulrich Kuhl, and Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann
16:00 |
DY 46.39 |
Soft wall quantum dots modelled with microwave cavities — •Y.-H. Kim, U. Kuhl, H.-J. Stöckmann, and J. P. Bird
16:00 |
DY 46.40 |
Distribution of reflection coefficients for microwave cavities in dependence of coupling and absorption strength — •U. Kuhl, H.-J. Stöckmann, R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, and C. H. Lewenkopf
16:00 |
DY 46.41 |
16:00 |
DY 46.42 |
How optical microresonators radiate — •Martina Hentschel and Henning Schomerus
16:00 |
DY 46.43 |
Stochastic Webs and Localization in a Quantum Mechanical Kick System — •Ulf Martin Engel and Peter Eckelt
16:00 |
DY 46.44 |
Path integral approach to the dissipative curve-crossing dynamics — •Alexey Novikov, Ulrich Kleinekathöfer, and Michael Schreiber
16:00 |
DY 46.45 |
Non-Markovian density matrix theories based on the decomposition of the spectral density — •U. Kleinekathöfer and M. Schreiber
16:00 |
DY 46.46 |
PHASE BEHAVIOUR AND ELASTICITY OF COLLOIDAL MODEL SUSPENSIONS — •Larysa Shapran, Patrik Wette, Hans Joachim Schöpe, and Thomas Palberg
16:00 |
DY 46.47 |
Solid friction at model metal interfaces studied via NEMD computer simulations — •Igor Stankovic, Martin Kröger , and Siegfried Hess
16:00 |
DY 46.48 |
Monte-Carlo Simulations of Structural and Elastic Properties in a two dimensional Model Colloidal Crystal — •Kerstin Franzrahe and Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 46.49 |
Computer simulation studies of structures and elastic properties of model colloids — •Peter Henseler and Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 46.50 |
Laserinduziertes Gefrieren und Schmelzen in 3D — •Wolfram Quester, Wolfram Strepp und Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 46.51 |
Structure formation in ultrathin films of soft matter on chemically (in)homogeneous reactive and non-reactive substrates — •Uwe Thiele, Michael Bestehorn, Karin John, and Markus Bär
16:00 |
DY 46.52 |
Construction of an optical line tweezer for colloidal particles — •Raquel Chulia Jordan, Hans Joachim Schöpe, and Thomas Palberg
16:00 |
DY 46.53 |
Swelling Behaviour of Hydrogels — •Bernward A. Mann, Ralf Everaers, Christian Holm, and Kurt Kremer
16:00 |
DY 46.54 |
The influence of confining disordered materials on the equilibrium behavior of Stockmayer fluids — •Carsten Spöler and Sabine H.L. Klapp
16:00 |
DY 46.55 |
Crystallization in one and two component charged colloidal systems — •Patrick Wette, Hans Joachim Schöpe, and Thomas Palberg
16:00 |
DY 46.56 |
Crystallization in one and two component charged colloidal systems — •Patrick Wette, Hans Joachim Schöpe, and Thomas Palberg
16:00 |
DY 46.57 |
Ruin & Recreate – A Method to Overcome Barriers in the Energy Landscape — •Johannes J. Schneider
16:00 |
DY 46.58 |
HP Proteins on Generalized Lattices — •Thomas Vogel, Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 46.59 |
Stable multiarmed spiral structure and their interaction in excitable media — •Maria Inmaculada Rodriguez-Ponce and Franz Schwabl
16:00 |
DY 46.60 |
Poisoning of membrane patches — •Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk, and Peter Hänggi
16:00 |
DY 46.61 |
Assortative random networks: Construction and properties — •Ramon Xulvi-Brunet and Igor M. Sokolov
16:00 |
DY 46.62 |
Two phase flow in porous media — •Toby Joseph and Rudolf Hilfer
16:00 |
DY 46.63 |
Macromolecule- Flow Interaction — •Achim Jung and Christian Wagner
16:00 |
DY 46.64 |
Fluctuation Measurements of a Passive Scalar with Miniaturized Thermocouples — •Marco Munzel, J. Peinke, and A. Kittel
16:00 |
DY 46.65 |
Turbulente Geschwindigkeitsprofile über rauhen Ebenen — •Nikolaus von der Heydt und Irmgard von der Heydt
16:00 |
DY 46.66 |
Heterogeneous Nucleation of charged sphere suspensions on shear induced precursors — •Thomas Palberg, Andreas Stipp, Ralf Biehl, Hans Joachim Schöpe, Jianing Liu, and Thorsten Preis
16:00 |
DY 46.67 |
Lattice-Boltzmann scheme for the dendritic growth in presence of convection — •Dmitry Medvedev and Klaus Kassner
16:00 |
DY 46.68 |
Kinetic roughening of laser deposited polymer films: Crossover from single particle to continuous growth — •Jörg Hachenberg, Christoph Streng, Erik Süske, Sebastian Vauth, Stefan G. Mayr, Hans-Ulrich Krebs, and Konrad Samwer
16:00 |
DY 46.69 |
Shape of mounds and scaling behaviour in unstable epitaxial crystal growth — •Markus Walther, Sebastian Weber, and Michael Biehl
16:00 |
DY 46.70 |
Comparison of Three-dimensional Simulations of Dendrites with Experimentally Grown 3D Xenon Crystals — •Herman M. Singer and Jörg H. Bilgram
16:00 |
DY 46.71 |
Analysis of Solidification Dynamics by Wavelet Transformation Techniques — •Oliver Wittwer and Jörg H. Bilgram
16:00 |
DY 46.72 |
Temperaturabhängige Dynamik von Au-Clustern auf amorphen C-Substratfilmen — •Ralph Werner, Matthias Wanner, Dagmar Gerthsen und Stefan-Sven Jester
16:00 |
DY 46.73 |
Simulation of biaxial compression of two-dimensional granular materials — •Hans-Georg Matuttis and Shinichi Morita
16:00 |
DY 46.74 |
Particle imaging velocimetry study of a horizontally shaken granular bed — •Olaf Br"okmann and Achim Kittel
16:00 |
DY 46.75 |
THE MAGNETIC SORET EFFECT — •Thomas Völker und Stefan Odenbach
16:00 |
DY 46.76 |
Examination of the magnetisation dynamics of rotating ferrofluids — •Sonia May, Jan Embs, Christian Wagner, Klaus Knorr, and Manfred Lücke
16:00 |
DY 46.77 |
Bewegung von Domänenwänden — •Matthias Müller und Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 46.78 |
Growth rate of amplitudes of surface instabilities in ferrofluids — •Holger Knieling, Reinhard Richter, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 46.79 |
Differences of the magnetic susceptibility in alternating and rotating fields — •Robert Krauß, Reinhard Richter, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 46.80 |
A phenomenological model for ferrofluid droplet dynamics in a shear flow — •Nana Sadowsky, Patrick Ilg, and Siegfried Hess
16:00 |
DY 46.81 |
The corkscrew instability in a nematic liquid crystal — •Alberto de Lozar, Wolfgang Schoepf, Lorenz Kramer, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 46.82 |
Magneto-rheological study in inverse magnetic fluids using polystyrene particles — •Saldivar-Guerrero Ruben, Richte Reinhard, Rehberg Ingo, and Rodriguez-Fernandez Oliverio
16:00 |
DY 46.83 |
Smectic and crystalline order in colloidal monolayers on periodic one-dimensional substrate potentials — •Jörg Baumgartl, Matthias Brunner, and Clemens Bechinger
16:00 |
DY 46.84 |
Commensurability effects of colloidal monolayers on hexagonally patterned substrates — •Stefan Bleil, Matthias Brunner, and Clemens Bechinger
16:00 |
DY 46.85 |
Phasetransitions in Quantum fluids: PIMC - Studies — •Guido Günther and Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 46.86 |
Microcanonical entropy of classical spin systems with a continuous symmetry — •Andreas Richter, Michel Pleimling, and Alfred Hüller
16:00 |
DY 46.87 |
A Topological Rule-of-Thumb for Percolation Thresholds — •Richard Neher and Herbert Wagner
16:00 |
DY 46.88 |
Phase transitions in periodic pinning arrays — •Konrad Mangold, Michael Köppl, Paul Leiderer, and Clemens Bechinger
16:00 |
DY 46.89 |
Short-Time Dynamics — •Eric Lorenz and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 46.90 |
Damage Spreading in Ising Lattice — •Rodrigo Megaides and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 46.91 |
Desorption behaviour of binary quench-condensed noble gas mixtures — •M. Layer, A. Netsch, A. Fleischmann, and S. Hunklinger
16:00 |
DY 46.92 |
Computer Simulations of the 3–Dimensional Abelian Higgs Model — •Sandro Wenzel, Elmar Bittner, Wolfhard Janke, and Arwed Schiller
16:00 |
DY 46.93 |
3-Zustands Potts-Modell auf Voronoi-Delaunay Zufallsgraphen in 2 Dimensionen — •Goetz Kähler, Martin Weigel und Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 46.94 |
The Bragg glass - Vortex glass transition — •Roland Schorr, Ludger Santen, and Heiko Rieger
16:00 |
DY 46.95 |
Monte Carlo Study of the Bond-Diluted 3D Ising Model — •Wolfhard Janke, Pierre Emmanuel Berche, Christophe Chatelain, and Bertrand Berche
16:00 |
DY 46.96 |
Photoangeregte Nanopartikel im starken Nichtgleichgewicht — •Vassilios Kotaidis, Samuel Gresillion, Gero von Plessen und Anton Plech
16:00 |
DY 46.97 |
2-D Crystals on Curved Surfaces — •Peter Lipowsky, Hans-Georg von Ribbeck, Michael G. Nikolaides, and Andreas R. Bausch
16:00 |
DY 46.98 |
First-principle investigations of phonon spectra of crystalline ice — •Waheed Adeniyi Adeagbo, Peter Entel und Jürgen Hafner
16:00 |
DY 46.99 |
Akustisches Rauschen von Kondensatormikrofonen — •Volker Becker, Jürgen Breitlow und Andreas Engel
16:00 |
DY 46.100 |
Orientational and positional phase transitions in geometric confined systems of alkanes - a numerical study — •Frank Oliver Pfeiffer and Heiko Rieger