HL 2: Symposium Photonische Kristalle
Montag, 8. März 2004, 10:15–12:45, H15
10:15 |
HL 2.1 |
Photonic crystal waveguide devices: Dispersion characteristics, anomalous refraction phenomena and their potential applications. — •Remigius Zengerle
10:45 |
HL 2.2 |
2D Photonic Crystals for Integrated Optics — •Anne Talneau
11:15 |
HL 2.3 |
Photonic Crystals for Telecom Applications and Ultrafast Optics — •Andreas Tünnermann, Markus Augustin, Thomas Schreiber, Jens Limpert, Stefan Nolte, and Ernst-Bernard Kley
11:45 |
HL 2.4 |
Diffraction Control and Enhanced Transmission through Sub-Wavelength Apertures — •Thomas W. Ebbesen
12:15 |
HL 2.5 |
Metallic photonic crystals — •Harald Giessen, Andre Christ, Thomas Zentgraf, Stefan Linden, Kai Schubert, Dietmar Nau, Sergei Tikhodeev, Nikolai Gippius, and Jürgen Kuhl