10:15 |
HL 4.1 |
Microscopic theory of carrier-wave Rabi flopping in semiconductors — •T. Tritschler, Q. T. Vu, L. Bányai, H. Haug, O. D. Mücke, M. Wegener, U. Morgner, and F. X. Kärtner
10:30 |
HL 4.2 |
Dephasing of excitonic and biexcitonic polarization: Intensity and temperature dependence — •Lars Wischmeier, Hans Georg Breunig, Tobias Voss, Ilja Rückmann, and Jürgen Gutowski
10:45 |
HL 4.3 |
Kohärente und inkohärente Ladungsträgerdynamik in Quantentopf-Infrarot-Photodetektoren — •Thomas Maier, Harald Schneider, Hui Chun Liu, Martin Walther und Peter Koidl
11:00 |
HL 4.4 |
THz emission from GaSb samples with modified surfaces — •Stephan Winnerl, Thomas Dekorsy und Manfred Helm
11:15 |
HL 4.5 |
Coherent switching of polariton modes and their quantum beats in four-wave mixing and real-time resolved pulse-transmission experiments on ZnSe SQWs — •I. Kudyk, T. Voss, H. G. Breunig, I. Rückmann, and J. Gutowski
11:30 |
HL 4.6 |
Ladungsträger-Dynamik in Stickstoff-implantiertem GaAs — •S. Sinning, T. Dekorsy und M. Helm
11:45 |
HL 4.7 |
Stimulated bosonic scattering in the exciton-biexciton system of a ZnSe single quantum well — •Stefan Pfalz, Daniel Hägele, and Michael Oestreich
12:00 |
HL 4.8 |
How fast is the insulator-to-metal transition in VO2? — •T. Dekorsy, A. Cavalleri, H.H. Chong, J.C. Kiefer, and R.W. Schoenlein
12:15 |
HL 4.9 |
Optically induced realspace-transfer between mesoscopic quantum dots — •Claus Metzner and Dominik Stehr
12:30 |
HL 4.10 |
THz photomixer based on quasi-ballistic transport in AlGaAs nipnip-superlattices — •Frank H. Renner, O. Klar, S. Malzer, M. Eckardt, A. Schwanhäußer, G. Loata, T. Löffler, H. Roskos, D. Driscoll, M. Hanson, A.C. Gossard, and G.H. Döhler
12:45 |
HL 4.11 |
Unipolar impact ionization in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures — •O. Schmidt, M. Eckardt, A. Schwanhäusser, G.H. Döhler, S. Trumm, M. Betz, F. Sotier, M. Hanson, and A.C. Gossard
13:00 |
HL 4.12 |
Phasenaufgelöste Pulsreflexion an gepumpten ZnSe-Schichten — •Matthias Seemann, Frank Kieseling, Heinrich Stolz, Günter Manzke und Klaus Henneberger