MA 16: Magn. Kopplungsph
Mittwoch, 10. März 2004, 15:15–17:30, H22
15:15 |
MA 16.1 |
Temperature Dependence of Interlayer Exchange Coupling — •Stephan Schwieger and Wolfgang Nolting
15:30 |
MA 16.2 |
Untersuchung der antiferromagnetische Kopplung in CoFeB-Systemen — •Nils Wiese, Theodoros Dimopoulos, Manfred Rührig, Joachim Wecker, Hubert Brückl und Günter Reiss
15:45 |
MA 16.3 |
Evidence for three-dimensional non-collinear antiferromagnetic order in single-crystalline FeMn ultrathin films — •W. Kuch, L. I. Chelaru, F. Offi, J. Wang, M. Kotsugi, and J. Kirschner
16:00 |
MA 16.4 |
Magnetically frustrated regions in ultrathin antiferromagnetic Mn films on Fe(001) — •U. Schlickum, N. Janke-Gilman, B. Slowik, W. Wulfhekel, and J. Kirschner
16:15 |
MA 16.5 |
Reduction of Néel "orange peel"coupling in magnetic tunnel junctions due to interface smoothing using low energy ion beams — •P.A. Beck, B.F.P. Roos, S.O. Demokritov und B. Hillebrands
16:30 |
MA 16.6 |
Two dimensional recrystallization, the key towards temperature stable Co/Cu multilayers — •Sonja Heitmann, Andreas Hütten, Guido Schmitz, and Günter Reiss
16:45 |
MA 16.7 |
90∘ coupling in (Fe/Cr/Fe)AFM/Cr/Fe system epitaxially grown on GaAs(001) — •M. Przybylski, J. Grabowski, W. Wulfhekel, M. Rams, and J. Kirschner
17:00 |
MA 16.8 |
Spin polarized neutron reflectivity measurements on Heusler [Co2MnGe/V]n multilayers — •Andre Bergmann, Johannes Grabis, Vincent Leiner, Hartmut Zabel, and Kurt Westerholt
17:15 |
MA 16.9 |
Zweifarben-Pump-Probe Messungen an magnetischen Oberflächen *) — •Timo Damm, Jan Podsiadly, Lisong Yang und Paul Fumagalli