15:15 |
MA 28.1 |
A new method for atomistic spin-dynamics simulations with ab-intio accuracy — •Reinhard Singer, Ralf Drautz, and Manfred Fähnle
15:30 |
MA 28.2 |
Atomic-scale model of thermal effects on magnetic anisotropy and dynamic switching properties of FePt nano-particles — •Ulrich Nowak, Oleg Mryasov, Konstantin Guslienko, and Roy Chantrell
15:45 |
MA 28.3 |
Zur Wechselwirkung von Magnetisierungswellen mit Néel-Wänden — •Riccardo Hertel, Wulf Wulfhekel und Jürgen Kirschner
16:00 |
MA 28.4 |
Vortex-Dynamik in weichmagnetischen Dünnschichtelementen — •Riccardo Hertel und Jürgen Kirschner
16:15 |
MA 28.5 |
Spin Dynamics in Permalloy Disks with Vortex Structure — •Matthias Buess, Rainer Höllinger, Thomas Haug, Korbinian Perzlmaier, Michael R. Scheinfein, Danilo Pescia, and Christian H. Back
16:30 |
MA 28.6 |
NANOSECOND TIME-SCALE SWITCHING OF THIN FILM PERMALLOY ELEMENTS — •Dmitry Chumakov, Rudolf Schäfer, Jeffrey McCord, and Ludwig Schultz
16:45 |
MA 28.7 |
Magnetization Dynamics of Micron Sized Permalloy Squares — •Korbinian Perzlmaier, Christian Back, Matthias Buess, and Rainer Höllinger
17:00 |
MA 28.8 |
Investigation of magnetization dynamics of microstructured magnetic thin films by means of Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy. — •A. Krasyuk, A. Oelsner, S.A. Nepijko, D. Neeb, A. Kuksov, C.M. Schneider und G. Schönhense
17:15 |
MA 28.9 |
Damping in thin NiFe films — •Hans Nembach, Markus C. Weber, Jürgen Fassbender, and Burkard Hillebrands
17:30 |
MA 28.10 |
Dependence of magnetization reversal dynamics on magnetic anisotropy and interlayer coupling — •K. Fukumoto, W. Kuch, J. Vogel, J. Camarero, S. Pizzini, Y. Pennec, F. Offi, M. Bonfim, A. Fontaine, and J. Kirschner
17:45 |
MA 28.11 |
All optical probe of coherent spin waves in exchange bias systems — •B. Beschoten, A. Tillmanns, S. Oertker, G. Güntherodt, I.K. Schuller, C. Leighton, and J. Nogués
18:00 |
MA 28.12 |
Evidence of spin-pumping effect in the FMR of coupled trilayers — •T. Toliński, K. Lenz, J. Lindner, E. Kosubek, and K. Baberschke
18:15 |
MA 28.13 |
Comparison of Network Analyzer Ferromagnetic Resonance (NA-FMR) with pulsed inductive Measurements — •Ingo Neudecker, Georg Woltersdorfer, Matthias Buess, Christian Back, and Bret Heinrich
18:30 |
MA 28.14 |
Coherent magnetization dynamics on Gd(0001) at 3 THz and its temperature dependence — •Uwe Bovensiepen, Alexey Melnikov, Ilie Radu, Oleg Krupin, Kai Starke, Eckart Matthias, and Martin Wolf