MA 31: Spinelektronik
Freitag, 12. März 2004, 10:45–12:45, H22
10:45 |
MA 31.1 |
Ultrafast Relaxation and Dephasing of Hot Electron Spins in n-GaAs — •Lars Schreiber, Marcus Heidkamp, Bernd Beschoten, and Gernot Guentherodt
11:00 |
MA 31.2 |
Utilizing the Rashba-effect at metal surfaces — •O. Krupin, G. Bihlmayer, S. Gorovikov, J. E. Prieto, K. Döbrich, G. Kaindl, S. Blügel, and K. Starke
11:15 |
MA 31.3 |
Exchange interactions and Curie temperatures in diluted magnetic semiconductors — •P. Dederichs, K. Sato, and H. Katayama-Yoshida
11:30 |
MA 31.4 |
Magnetic Circular Dichroism Study of Ferromagnetic GaMnN — •J. Keller, A. Dohmen, B. Beschoten, G. Güntherodt, S. Dhar, O. Brandt, A. Trampert, L. Däweritz, K.J. Friedland, and K.H. Ploog
11:45 |
MA 31.5 |
Which Mn is ferromagnetic in Ga1−xMnxAs? — •O. Rader, K. Fauth, G. Schott, G. Schmidt, L. Molenkamp, G. Schütz, F. Kronast, and W. Gudat
12:00 |
MA 31.6 |
Nonequilibrium spin transport in ballistic ferromagnetic - semiconductor structures — •Dmitri Ryndyk
12:15 |
MA 31.7 |
Transport properties of Fe/MgO/Fe interfaces — •Bogdan Yavorsky, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
12:30 |
MA 31.8 |
Nanosecond Pulse Characterization of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions — •Roman Adam, Jakob Schelten, Michael Siegel, and Hermann Kohlstedt