O 17: Elektronische Struktur (Experiment und Theorie) II
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 11:15–13:15, H36
11:15 |
O 17.1 |
Stark Effect for Shockley Surface States of Au(111) and Cu(111) — •J. Kröger, L. Limot, R. Berndt, and P. Johansson
11:30 |
O 17.2 |
Temperaturabhängige Untersuchung des Cr(001)-Oberflächenzustands mittels SP-STM/STS — •Torben Hänke, Stefan Krause, Robert Ravlić, Matthias Bode und Roland Wiesendanger
11:45 |
O 17.3 |
STM-Thermovoltage measurements of surface electronic states on Ag/Au(111) — •Winfried Langenkamp, Bastian Weyers, and Rolf Möller
12:00 |
O 17.4 |
Shockley surface states at close-packed surfaces — •Frederik Schiller, Vito Servedio, and Clemens Laubschat
12:15 |
O 17.5 |
Quantum-well states in thin films of Yb/W(110) studied by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy — •Daniel Wegner, Andreas Bauer, and Günter Kaindl
12:30 |
O 17.6 |
Confinement and quantization of the Ag(111) surface state in hexagonal vacancy islands — •Henning Jensen, Jörg Kröger, and Richard Berndt
12:45 |
O 17.7 |
Electronic properties of a 2D-Superlattice of Ce Adatoms on Ag(111) — •M. Ternes, C. Weber, M. Pivetta, F. Patthey, J. Pelz, T. Giamarchi, F. Mila, and W.-D. Schneider
13:00 |
O 17.8 |
Probing of bulk band edges with STM: An ab initio analysis — •A. Dick, M. Hansmann, J.I. Pascual, G. Geballos, H.-P. Rust, K. Horn, and J. Neugebauer