O 23: Rastersondentechniken II
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 15:45–18:15, H36
15:45 |
O 23.1 |
Near-field optical imaging of single molecules by means of a triangular aperture probe — •D. Molenda, G. Colas des Francs, U. C. Fischer, H. Fuchs, and A. Naber
16:00 |
O 23.2 |
Energy dissipation in non-contact AFM — •Domenique Weiner, Andre Schirmeisen, and Harald Fuchs
16:15 |
O 23.3 |
Local interfacial dipoles of alkali chloride thin films on Au(111) investigated with Kelvin probe force microscopy — •Ulrich Zerweck, Christian Loppacher, Stefan Grafström, and Lukas M. Eng
16:30 |
O 23.4 |
Scattering-type near-field microscopy for optical nanoanalytics — •Rainer Hillenbrand
16:45 |
O 23.5 |
NanoSAM: Instrument characterisation at ultimate SAM resolution — •Jörg Westermann, Ulrich Roll, and Georg Schäfer
17:00 |
O 23.6 |
An Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope system operating at 300 mK and 14 T — •Focko Meier, Jens Wiebe, Andre Wachowiak, Daniel Haude, Markus Morgenstern, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:15 |
O 23.7 |
SPM goes video rate and beyond — •M.J. Rost, T.H. Oosterkamp, J.W.M. Frenken, and et al.
17:30 |
O 23.8 |
Apertureless SNOM with vibrating AFM probes — •Ralf Vogelgesang, Ruben Esteban, Alpan Bek, and Klaus Kern
17:45 |
O 23.9 |
Molecular Resolution Imaging of C60 on Au(111) by Dynamic Force Microscopy — •R. Hoffmann, J.M. Mativetsky, S.A. Burke, Y. Sun, and P. Grütter
18:00 |
O 23.10 |
Manifestations of slow hysteretic atomic jumps in dynamic force microscopy — •R. Hoffmann, A. Baratoff, H.J. Hug und H.-J. Güntherodt