O 25: Epitaxie und Wachstum II
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 15:45–18:15, H39
15:45 |
O 25.1 |
Influence of cluster mobility and fault energy on stacking-fault formation — •Andreas Lammerschop, Carsten Busse, Celia Polop, and Thomas Michely
16:00 |
O 25.2 |
Nucleation of Sub-monolayer YBa2Cu3O7−δ Films on SrTiO3(001) Probed by X-ray Standing Waves and XPS — •Sebastian Thiess, Tien-Lin Lee, Bruce C. C. Cowie, and Jörg Zegenhagen
16:15 |
O 25.3 |
Beobachtung mesoskopischer Strukturen bei Mn-Schichten auf Si(111) mittels STM und LEED — •K. Schwinge, J.J. Paggel und P. Fumagalli
16:30 |
O 25.4 |
Bare surface structures and quantum dots growth on the GaAs(315)B surface — •Takayuki Suzuki, Yevgeniy Temko, Mingchun Xu, and Karl Jacobi
16:45 |
O 25.5 |
Epitaxial growth of Ag on W(110) studied by Reflectance Difference Spectroscopy — •L. D. Sun, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, C. Deisl, and E. Bertel
17:00 |
O 25.6 |
Thin TiO2 films and Au/TiO2 on Ru (0001) studied by XPS and CO-TPD — •Zhong Zhao, H. Rauscher, and R.J. Behm
17:15 |
O 25.7 |
Elementspezifische Oberflächenrekonstruktion auf Inseln bei der surfactant-modifizierten Homoepitaxie auf Si(111):As,Sb — •K. Schroeder, A. Antons, B. Voigtländer, V. Cherepanov und S. Blügel
17:30 |
O 25.8 |
Continuous Phase Transition of Surface Reconstructions Investigated by X-ray Scattering: Theory and Experiment — •Frank Grosse, Bernd Jenichen, Wolfgang Braun, Vladimir M. Kaganer, Dilip K. Satapathy, X. Guo, and Klaus H. Ploog
17:45 |
O 25.9 |
Growth and morphology of ultrathin nickel films on Cu (001) — •Leif Glaser, Robert Nietubyć, Alexander Föhlisch, Julian Tobias Lau, Michael Martins, Matthias Reif, and Wilfried Wurth
18:00 |
O 25.10 |
Growth of Cr on Ru(0001) studied by STM — •R. Denecke, M.P. Engelhardt, M. Schmid, A. Biedermann, P. Varga, and H.-P. Steinrück