O 26: Adsorption an Oberflächen II
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 15:45–18:00, H45
15:45 |
O 26.1 |
STM and STS study of Cu(111)-Cs — •Thomas von Hofe, Jörg Kröger, and Richard Berndt
16:00 |
O 26.2 |
Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie an einzelnen Kobalt-Carbonylen auf Cu(100) — •Peter Wahl, Ari P. Seitsonen, Lars Diekhöner, M. Alexander Schneider, Gero Wittich und Klaus Kern
16:15 |
O 26.3 |
Non-adiabatic spin effects in O2 dissociation at Al(111) — •Jörg Behler, Sönke Lorenz, Bernard Delley, Karsten Reuter, and Matthias Scheffler
16:30 |
O 26.4 |
CO-H interaction and H-dissolution probed by SFG and TDS: Specific differences between Pd nanoparticles and Pd(111) — •Günther Rupprechter, Matthias Morkel, and Hans-Joachim Freund
16:45 |
O 26.5 |
Photodesorption of small molecules adsorbed on ultrathin Ag — •Olaf Weisse, Claudia Wesenberg, and Eckart Hasselbrink
17:00 |
O 26.6 |
Surface plasmons of metal islands and their influence on the infrared absorption of adsorbates — •A. Priebe, G. Fahsold, and A. Pucci
17:15 |
O 26.7 |
Adsorption of CO on the ( 1010 ) surface of Rhenium — •C. Pauls, D. Przyrembel, and K. Christmann
17:30 |
O 26.8 |
Electronic properties and hydrogen absorption of Pd and Ni:O nano-clusters — •Andreas Borgschulte, Ruud J. Westerwal, Sven de Man, Bernard Dam, Jan H. Rector, and Ronald Griessen
17:45 |
O 26.9 |
Coadsorption of H and CO on Pd(210) — •Christian Mosch, Markus Lischka, and Axel Groß