O 31: Oberflächenreaktionen II
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 11:15–13:00, H36
11:15 |
O 31.1 |
Rastertunnelmikroskopische Untersuchung elektroneninduzierter Prozesse an D2O-Molekülen und -Clustern auf fcc(111)-Metalloberflächen — •Heiko Gawronski, K. Morgenstern, K.-F. Braun und K.-H. Rieder
11:30 |
O 31.2 |
Interaction of He, Ne and Ar metastable atom beams with multilayer tunnel systems — •Domokos Kovacs, Johannes Berndt, Jörg Winter, and Detlef Diesing
11:45 |
O 31.3 |
Molecular scattering and adsorption at metallic surfaces studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations — •Axel Groß
12:00 |
O 31.4 |
First-principles Investigation of Structural and Chemical Properties of Nanoporous Carbon — •Suljo Linic, Johan M. Carlsson, and Matthias Scheffler
12:15 |
O 31.5 |
Selective methanol oxidation on a Cu (110) surface — •Ling Zhou, Sebastian Guenther, and Ronald Imbihl
12:30 |
O 31.6 |
Vibrational Analysis of the V 2 O 5 (010) Surface with and without Oxygen Vacancies: ab-initio DFT Cluster Studies — •Christoph Friedrich and Klaus Hermann
12:45 |
O 31.7 |
SFG and TDS studies of methanol adsorption and decomposition on Pd model catalysts — •Matthias Morkel, Günther Rupprechter und Hans-Joachim Freund