O 34: Oxide und Isolatoren
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 11:15–13:00, H45
11:15 |
O 34.1 |
Investigations of SrO and BaO on the Si(001) surface — •J. Zachariae and H. Pfnür
11:30 |
O 34.2 |
Ab initio embedded cluster study of optical second harmonic generation below the gap of the NiO(001) surface — •Khompat Satitkovitchai and Wolfgang Hübner
11:45 |
O 34.3 |
Ligand Field Approach to Optical Second Harmonic Generation on NiO(001) and CoO(001) surfaces — •Oleksandr Ney and Wolfgang Hübner
12:00 |
O 34.4 |
Oxidation von Ag(100) bei atmosphärennahen Drücken — •Ioan Costina, Hannes Schiechl, Andreas Stierle, Michael Schmid, Peter Varga und Helmut Dosch
12:15 |
O 34.5 |
In situ Oberflächenröntgenbeugung an Sauerstoff auf Ag(111) — •Alexander Reicho, Andreas Stierle, Ioan Costina und Helmut Dosch
12:30 |
O 34.6 |
High-resolution core-level spectroscopy and LEED investigations of Ga2O3 on CoGa(100) surface — •Alina Vlad, I. Costina, A. Stierle, H. Dosch, E. Lundgren, and J. Anderson
12:45 |
O 34.7 |
SPA-LEED Studies of CoO Thin Films on Ag(100) — •Jian Wang, Ina Sebastian, Karl-Michael Schindler, Klaus Meinel, Henning Neddermeyer, and Wolf Widdra