O 37: Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie I
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 15:45–17:30, H36
15:45 |
O 37.1 |
Electron-phonon coupling for surface states on Pd(111) — •Andrea Melzer, Martin Weinelt, and Thomas Fauster
16:00 |
O 37.2 |
Break junctions under femtosecond laser illumination: steps towards time-resolved photocurrent spectroscopy on the nanoscale — •W. Pfeiffer, S. Dantscher, C. Kennerknecht, S. Schramm, H.B. Weber, and J.U. Würfel
16:15 |
O 37.3 |
Lifetimes of quasiparticle excitations in 4d transition metals Mo and Rh — •Alexander Mönnich, Daniela Bayer, Michael Bauer, and Martin Aeschlimann
16:30 |
O 37.4 |
Image-potential states on stepped Cu(11l) surfaces — •Manfred Roth, Martin Weinelt, and Thomas Fauster
16:45 |
O 37.5 |
Treatment of many-body effects in sodium clusters by means of GW theory — •Yaroslav Pavlyukh and Wolfgang Hübner
17:00 |
O 37.6 |
Fs-Laserpulspropagation in Single-Mode Glasfasern — •Georgios Ctistis, Jan Podsiadly, Jens J. Paggel und Paul Fumagalli
17:15 |
O 37.7 |
Femtosecond electron dynamics in amorphous and crystalline ice layers on Ru(001) — •Martin Wolf, Cornelius Gahl, Julia Stähler, Panagiotis Loukakos, and Uwe Bovensiepen