O 39: Epitaxie und Wachstum III
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 15:45–18:15, H39
15:45 |
O 39.1 |
A Novel Local Free Energy Minimum on the Cu(001)-Surface — •Herbert Wormeester, Michail Ovsyanko, Georgiana Stoyan, and Bene Poelsema
16:00 |
O 39.2 |
Spectroscopic signature of stacking faults and dislocation lines on Co(0001) — •Jens Wiebe, Lilli Sacharow, André Wachowiak, Markus Morgenstern, and Roland Wiesendanger
16:15 |
O 39.3 |
Growth of CoSi2 islands on Si(111) — •M. Löffler, J. Cordon, E. Ortega, M. Weinelt, and Th. Fauster
16:30 |
O 39.4 |
Formation of a faceted MoO2 epilayer on Mo(112) studied by XPS, UPS and STM — •Thomas Schroeder, Tien Lin Lee, Jörg Zegenhagen, Norbert Magg, Boonchuan Immaraporn, and Hans-Joachim Freund
16:45 |
O 39.5 |
Wachstum, thermische Stabilität und magnetische Eigenschaften von Co auf einem ultradünnen Al2O3 Film auf CoAl(100) — •Volker Rose, Vitali Podgursky, Stella M. Van Eek und René Franchy
17:00 |
O 39.6 |
Kinetic lattice Monte-Carlo simulations of stacking fault nucleation on Ir(111) — •Michael Müller and Karsten Albe
17:15 |
O 39.7 |
Epitaxial growth of thin Alumina on a Cr2 O3(0001) substrate — •Karifala Dumbuya, Sven L. M Schroeder, and Klaus Christmann
17:30 |
O 39.8 |
Atomic structure of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100) and Cu(111) prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) — •Hannes Schiechl, Albert Biedermann, Michael Schmid, and Peter Varga
17:45 |
O 39.9 |
Growth and structure of pulsed laser deposited Pd films on Cu(100) — •Y. Lu, H.L. Meyerheim, W. Wang, J. Barthel, M. Przybylski, and J. Kirschner
18:00 |
O 39.10 |
Self-healing of stacking faults in homoepitaxial growth on Ir(111) — •Arne Thoma, Carsten Busse, and Thomas Michely