O 4: Organische Dünnschichten I
Montag, 8. März 2004, 11:15–13:15, H43
11:15 |
O 4.1 |
Optische in situ Spektroskopie der TiOPc-PTCDA-Grenzfläche — •Thomas Dienel, Holger Proehl, Robert Nitsche, Karsten Walzer, Torsten Fritz und Karl Leo
11:30 |
O 4.2 |
Molecular orientation in perylene thin films on Al2O3/Ni3Al(111) — •M. B. Casu, A. Schöll, K. R. Bauchspieß, D. Hübner, Th. Schmidt, C. Heske, and E. Umbach
11:45 |
O 4.3 |
Growth of para-hexaphenyl microrings — •Frank Balzer and Horst-Günter Rubahn
12:00 |
O 4.4 |
Self-organization of Phthalocyanine films on Al2O3 substrates: in-plane alignment and ordering — •Esther Barrena, J.Oriol Ossó, Frank Schreiber, M.Isabel Alonso, Miquel Garriga, and Helmut Dosch
12:15 |
O 4.5 |
Preparation of stacked alkylsiloxane bilayers by spin coating — •Rafael Bautista, Steffen Franzka, Daniel Dahlhaus, and Nils Hartmann
12:30 |
O 4.6 |
Order and symmetries of sexithiophene within thin films studied by angle-resolved photoemission — •Cynthia Heiner, Bernd Winter, Jens Dreyer, Hans-Hermann Ritze, I.V. Hertel, and Wolf Widdra
12:45 |
O 4.7 |
Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Bacterial S-Layers — •Serguei Molodtsov, Denis Vyalikh, Steffen Danzenbächer, Michael Mertig, Alexander Kirchner, Wolfgang Pompe, and Yuriy Dedkov
13:00 |
O 4.8 |
Calculation of the optical constants of thin films from just one spectral measurement and its application to organic films — •Robert Nitsche, Holger Pröhl, Thomas Dienel, and Torsten Fritz