15:45 |
O 9.1 |
Three-dimensional force fields of single wall carbon nanotubes by scanning dynamic force spectroscopy — •Makoto Ashino, Timo Behnke, Alexander Schwarz, Keith A. Williams, Cees Dekker und Roland Wiesendanger
16:00 |
O 9.2 |
Untersuchung der Volumen-Bandstruktur von Nb mittels Rastertunnelspektroskopie — •Berndt Koslowski, Christof Dietrich und Paul Ziemann
16:15 |
O 9.3 |
Bau eines kostengünstigen UHV-STM von Studierenden im Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum — •T.-Y. Kim, J. Grabowski, L. Amsel, F. Bechtel, N. Tschirner, I. Mantouvalou, F. Streicher, S.K. Becker, A. Lenz, R. Timm, K. Hodeck, G. Pruskil, H. Eisele und M. Dähne
16:30 |
O 9.4 |
Anisotropy of bulk band structure observed by electron scattering at subsurface impurities in Ag(111) — •A. Weismann, M. Wenderoth, N. Quaas, and R. G. Ulbrich
16:45 |
O 9.5 |
Optischer Nahfeldkontrast in anisotropen Dielektrika — •Susanne Schneider, Christian Loppacher, Ulrich Zerweck, Stefan Grafström und Lukas Eng
17:00 |
O 9.6 |
Warum die "shear force" Distanzregelung auch im UHV funktioniert — •S. Hoppe, G. Ctistis, J.J. Paggel und P. Fumagalli
17:15 |
O 9.7 |
Study of particle-substrate interaction by nanomanipulation experiments with dynamic scanning force microscopy — •Claudia Ritter, Markus Heyde, and Klaus Rademann
17:30 |
O 9.8 |
STM Imaging of PTCDA Multilayers with Submolecular Resolution — •Daniel Braun, Andre Schirmeisen, and Harald Fuchs
17:45 |
O 9.9 |
Damping mechanisms in dynamic force microscopy — •Andre Schirmeisen, Hendrik Hölscher, and Harald Fuchs
18:00 |
O 9.10 |
Observation of the complete graphite unit cell with a low-temperature atomic force microscope — •Stefan Hembacher, Franz J. Giessibl, Jochen Mannhart, and Calvin F. Quate
18:15 |
O 9.11 |
Atomic Force and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Measurements at Low Temperatures — •Markus Heyde, Maria Kulawik, Hans-Peter Rust, and Hans-Joachim Freund