SYLS 2: Symposium "Life Sciences on the Nanometer Scale - Physics Meets Biology"
Mittwoch, 10. März 2004, 15:15–16:00, H 37
15:15 |
SYLS 2.1 |
Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport of Single Molecules — •Ulrich Kubitscheck, Andreas Hoekstra, David Grünwald, Jan Peter Siebrasse, and Reiner Peters
15:30 |
SYLS 2.2 |
Biophysical Applications of Quantum Dots: Labeling of Single Biomolecules — •Colin D. Heyes, Andrei Yu. Kobitski, Elza V. Amirgoulova, Vladimir V. Breus, Kirill V. Anikin, and G. Ulrich Nienhaus
15:45 |
SYLS 2.3 |
Detection and spectroscopy of 5 nm gold particles using white-light confocal microscopy — •Patrick Stoller, Klas Lindfors, Thomas Kalkbrenner, and Vahid Sandoghdar