SYLS 5: Symposium "Life Sciences on the Nanometer Scale - Physics Meets Biology"
Donnerstag, 11. März 2004, 11:15–12:30, H 37
11:15 |
SYLS 5.1 |
Mechano-Chemical Coupling in F1-ATPase — •Kazuhiko Kinosita
11:45 |
SYLS 5.2 |
Probing individual F0F1 ATP synthases by multi-parameter fluorescence spectroscopy — •Michael Prummer, Horst Vogel, Beate Sick, Alois Renn, Gert Zumofen, Urs P. Wild, Georg Kaim und Peter Dimroth
12:00 |
SYLS 5.3 |
Molecular dynamics simulations of isolated β-subunits of F1-ATPase — •U. Kleinekathöfer, B. Isralewitz, M. Dittrich, and K. Schulten
12:15 |
SYLS 5.4 |
A molecular machine based on a DNA aptamer — •Friedrich Simmel, Wendy Huynh, and Andreas Reuter