SYSN 2: Quantum Shot Noise in Nanostructures
Montag, 8. März 2004, 16:00–17:45, H1
16:00 |
SYSN 2.1 |
Environmental effects in the third moment of voltage fluctuations in a tunnel junction — •Bertrand Reulet, J. Senzier, and Daniel E. Prober
16:30 |
SYSN 2.2 |
Full Counting Statistics of Multiple Andreev Reflections — •Juan Carlos Cuevas
17:00 |
SYSN 2.3 |
Shot noise in resonant single electron tunneling through InAs quantum dots — •Frank Hohls, André Nauen, Niels Maire, Rolf Haug, and Klaus Pierz
17:15 |
SYSN 2.4 |
Shot noise of coherent tunneling through Coulomb interacting quantum dots — •G. Kießlich, A. Wacker, and E. Schöll
17:30 |
SYSN 2.5 |
Frequency Dispersion in Full Counting Statistics — •Sebastian Pilgram, Kirill Nagaev, and Markus Büttiker