TT 11: Nanoelektronik I: Quantenpunkte, -dr
ähte, -punktkontakte
Dienstag, 9. März 2004, 09:30–13:00, H19
09:30 |
TT 11.1 |
Single-electron effects and quantum fluctuations in metallic multi-island geometries — •Björn Kubala, Göran Johansson, and Jürgen König
09:45 |
TT 11.2 |
The Coulomb blockade in two island systems with high conductive junctions — •Roland Schäfer, Bernhard Limbach, Peter vom Stein, and Christoph Wallisser
10:00 |
TT 11.3 |
Coulomb blockade and Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quantum dots — •Frithjof Anders, Eran Lebanon, and Avraham Schiller
10:15 |
TT 11.4 |
Thermopower of metallic single electron devices — •Marko Turek, Jens Siewert, and Klaus Richter
10:30 |
TT 11.5 |
Weak charge quantization and full current statistics — •Dmitry Bagrets and Yuli Nazarov
10:45 |
TT 11.6 |
Negative differential resistance due to the resonance coupling of a quantum-dot dimer — •Shidong Wang, Zouzou Sun, Nelson Cue, and Xiangrong Wang
11:00 |
TT 11.7 |
Nonlinear Transport through Quantum Wires: Functional Renormalization Group in Nonequilibrium — •Severin Jakobs, Volker Meden, Herbert Schoeller, and Kurt Schönhammer
11:15 |
TT 11.8 |
Electron transport through interacting quantum dots — •Andrei Zaikin and Dmitri Golubev
11:30 |
TT 11.9 |
Inelastic quantum transport through a mesoscopic region — •Dmitri Ryndyk
11:45 |
TT 11.10 |
Evidence for fractional quasiparticles in the persistent current in clean one-dimensional rings — •Janine Splettstoesser, Ulrich Zülicke, and Michele Governale
12:00 |
TT 11.11 |
Interaction-induced damping of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations — •Thomas Ludwig and Alexander Mirlin
12:15 |
TT 11.12 |
Schwache Lokalisierung und erhöhte Elektron-Elektron Wechselwirkung in nanostrukturierten magnetischen Leiterbahnen — •Mario Brands, Axel Carl und Günter Dumpich
12:30 |
TT 11.13 |
Non-equilibrium quasiparticle distribution in diffusive quantum wires in a magnetic field — •J. Kroha, J. Paaske, A. Rosch, O. Uhsaghy, P. Wölfle und A. Zawadowski
12:45 |
TT 11.14 |
Nanoelectronic transport through a spin-polaron system — •Frank Reininghaus, Thomas Korb, and Herbert Schoeller