TT 31: Supraleitung: Vortexdynamik, Vortexphasen, Pinning
Freitag, 12. März 2004, 10:15–12:45, H20
10:15 |
TT 31.1 |
Vortex radiation in long Josephson nanojunctions — •A.A. Abdumalikov Jr., M.V. Fistul, V.V. Kurin, and A.V. Ustinov
10:30 |
TT 31.2 |
Study of semifluxons in artificial long Josephson 0-π-junctions — •Tobias Gaber, Edward Goldobin, Albert Sterck, Dieter Koelle, and Reinhold Kleiner
10:45 |
TT 31.3 |
Rasche Relaxation der irreversiblen Ströme durch Vortex Schütteln in dünnen Supraleitern — •Ernst Helmut Brandt und Grigorii P. Mikitik
11:00 |
TT 31.4 |
Observation of Abrikosov Lattice Melting in Real Space by Magnetic Force Microscopy — •Alexander Schwarz, Marcus Liebmann, and Roland Wiesendanger
11:15 |
TT 31.5 |
Magnetic flux pinning in bilayers of high-temperature superconductors and ferromagnets — •J. Albrecht, S. Soltan, and H.–U. Habermeier
11:30 |
TT 31.6 |
Vortex matter phase diagram of pure and Zn-doped YBa2Cu3O7−x in magnetic fields up to 50 T — •Yurii Skourski, Günter Fuchs, Nadezhda Kozlova, Konstantin Nenkov, Gernot Krabbes, and Karl-Hartmut Müller
11:45 |
TT 31.7 |
Oberflächenbarriere und Vortex Matching in YBa2Cu3O7−δ Nanobrücken — •Johannes Eisenmenger, Frank-Michael Kamm, Alfred Plettl und Paul Ziemann
12:00 |
TT 31.8 |
Advanced manipulation of substrates for growth induced pinning in YBCO thin films — •S. Brück, J. Albrecht, S. Leonhardt, R. Spolenak, G. Cristiani, H.–U. Habermeier, and G. Schütz
12:15 |
TT 31.9 |
Competitive localization of vortex lines or interacting bosons by a defect — •Jan Kierfeld and Valerii Vinokur
12:30 |
TT 31.10 |
Enhanced Magnetic Flux Pinning of Nanocrystalline Mechanically Alloyed Bulk MgB2 by Stoichiometry Variation and Doping — •Olaf Perner, Jürgen Eckert, Günter Fuchs, Konstantin Nenkov, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz