TT 7: Korrelierte Elektronen: Schwere Fermionen
Montag, 8. März 2004, 14:30–17:00, H19
14:30 |
TT 7.1 |
Leitfähigkeit von Systemen schwerer Fermionen mit nichtmagnetischen Störstellen — •Claas Grenzebach und Gerd Czycholl
14:45 |
TT 7.2 |
Renormalization of the periodic Anderson model: an alternative analytical approach to heavy Fermion behavior — •Klaus Becker and Arnd Hübsch
15:00 |
TT 7.3 |
Theory for Coexistence of Superconductivity and A-phase in CeCu2Si2 — •Matthias Neef and Gertrud Zwicknagl
15:15 |
TT 7.4 |
Heavy fermion properties in filled skutterudites — •Tanja Westerkamp and Gertrud Zwicknagl
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
TT 7.5 |
Microwave Conductivity Spectra of Heavy-Fermion UPd2Al3 — •Marc Scheffler, Martin Dressel, M. Jourdan, and H. Adrian
16:00 |
TT 7.6 |
Quantum Critical Behavior in Yb1−xLaxRh2Si2 Studied by Low Temperature Resistivity and Specific Heat — •Franziska Weickert, Teodora Rus, Julia Ferstl, Philipp Gegenwart, Christoph Geibel, and Frank Steglich
16:15 |
TT 7.7 |
YbIr2Si2− A new Yb−based Heavy Fermion System situated close to Quantum Critical Point — •Z. Hossain, C. Geibel, H. Jeevan, F. Weickert, P. Gegenwart, T. Lühmann, and F. Steglich
16:30 |
TT 7.8 |
Investigation of the magnetic and the superconducting states of CeCu2Si2 using large single crystal. — •H.S. Jeevan, M. Deppe, O. Stockert, R. Borth, E. Faulhaber, C. Geibel, and F. Steglich
16:45 |
TT 7.9 |
Weak itinerant metamagnetism at the quantum phase transition of ZrZn2 — •M. Uhlarz, C. Pfleiderer, and S. M. Hayden