14:30 |
TT 8.1 |
In-situ deposition of MgB2 thin films by magnetron sputtering and thermal evaporation — •R. Schneider, A.G. Zaitsev, J. Geerk, G. Linker, and F. Ratzel
14:30 |
TT 8.2 |
Preparation, Structure, and Properties of Hg,Re-Containing High-Temperature Superconductor Thin Films — •Abouelwafa Salem, Gerhard Jakob und Hermann Adrian
14:30 |
TT 8.3 |
Novel consideration of the phase diagram of electron doped high-temperature superductors — •Yoshiharu Krockenberger, Michio Naito, Akio Tsukada, Hideki Yamamoto, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:30 |
TT 8.4 |
Growth and superconducting properties of ternary rare earth (Gd, Eu, Nd)Ba2Cu3Oy thin films — •C. Cai, J. Hänisch, L. Fernandez, and B. Holzapfel
14:30 |
TT 8.5 |
High magnetic field test facilities at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe — •Hanno Leibrock, Frank Hornung, Marion Kläser, Hans Müller, Astrid Rimikis, and Theo Schneider
14:30 |
TT 8.6 |
Characterisation of advanced technical superconductors — •Marion Kläser, Frank Hornung, Hanno Leibrock, Hans Müller, and Theo Schneider
14:30 |
TT 8.7 |
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von supraleitenden Zuleitungen aus Niob auf flexibler Polyimide-Folie — •Thomas Schneider, Cornelia Assmann, Jörn Beyer und Thomas Schurig
14:30 |
TT 8.8 |
Understanding grain boundary critical currents in high-Tc superconductors — •Karsten Guth, V. Born, S. Sievers, H. C. Freyhardt, and Ch. Jooss
14:30 |
TT 8.9 |
Magneto-optic imaging of superconducting transport currents in magnetic environments — •Harald Jarzina, Volker Born, Christian Jooss, Eva Brinkmeier, Karsten Guth, Wilko Westhäuser, and H. C. Freyhardt
14:30 |
TT 8.10 |
Modifying the current distribution of grain boundaries — •Eva Brinkmeier, Harald Jarzina, Karsten Guth, Volker Born, and Christian Jooss
14:30 |
TT 8.11 |
Finite size effects and JC simulations in high-JC coated conductors — •J. Hänisch, L. Fernández, C. Cai, V.S. Sarma, L. Schultz und B. Holzapfel
14:30 |
TT 8.12 |
Coated Conductors by Inclined Substrate Deposition — •A. Lümkemann, J. Handke, H. Kinder, R. Nemetschek, C. Hoffmann, G. Sigl, and W. Prusseit
14:30 |
TT 8.13 |
YBCO thin films prepared by a Fluorine-free sol-gel method — •C. Apetrii, I. v. Lampe, M. Falter, H. Schlörb, B. Holzapfel, and L. Schultz
14:30 |
TT 8.14 |
Preparation of perovskite buffer layers on surface oxidized Ni tapes for coated conductor applications — •R. Hühne, B. Holzapfel, A. Kursumovic, B. A. Glowacki, J. E. Evetts, A. Cavallaro, F. Sandiumenge, A. Pomar, T. Puig, and X. Obradors
14:30 |
TT 8.15 |
Ca- und Ag-dotierte YBCO-Filme aus Polymer-Metall-Precursoren auf STO und Ni-YSZ-Substrat — •Frank Zygalsky und Irene von Lampe
14:30 |
TT 8.16 |
Superstructure on hightemperature superconductors (N=1,2,3) affirmed with STM — •Torsten Stemmler, Hendrik Glowatzki, and Recardo Manzke
14:30 |
TT 8.17 |
Oxygen superstructures throughout the phase diagram of (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O6+x — •Joerg Strempfer, Ioannis Zegkinoglou, Uta Ruett, Martin von Zimmermann, Christian Bernhard, Chengtian Lin, Thomas Wolf, and Bernhard Keimer
14:30 |
TT 8.18 |
Proximity-Effekt in supraleitenden Nb/Ag- und Nb/Ag/Fe-Schichtpaketen — •H. Stalzer, A. Cosceev, C. Sürgers, H. v. Löhneysen, J.-M. Brosi, G.-A. Chakam und W. Freude
14:30 |
TT 8.19 |
Tunneling spectra of high-temperature superconductor - manganite junctions — •Mitja Schonecke, Bettina Welter, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:30 |
TT 8.20 |
Andreev reflection and nonequilibrium Josephson effect in (quasi)ballistic S-N-S junctions — •Dmitri Ryndyk
14:30 |
TT 8.21 |
Andreev reflection at superconducting contacts to InGaAs/InP heterostructures — •I. E. Batov, Th. Schäpers, A. A. Golubov, and A. V. Ustinov
14:30 |
TT 8.22 |
Supraleiter-Normalleiter-Supraleiter-Kontakte als Schalter für die Anwendung in supraleitenden Multiplexern — •Oliver Lindner, Margret Peters, Jörn Beyer und Thomas Schurig
14:30 |
TT 8.23 |
Pulse driven arrays of HTS bicrystal Josephson junctions — •Andriy Rebikov, Alexander Klushin, and Norbert Klein
14:30 |
TT 8.24 |
Design considerations for large area magnetic calorimeters and detector arrays — •T. Daniyarov, A. Burck, M. Linck, H. Rotzinger, A. Fleischmann, and C. Enss
14:30 |
TT 8.25 |
Microwave absorption of BSCCO based intrinsic Josephson junctions — •Denis Vassioukov, Huabing Wang, Vyacheslav Dremov, Yury Koval, and Paul Müller
14:30 |
TT 8.26 |
Kollektives und statistisches Schaltverhalten von intrinsischen Josephsonkontakten an TBCCO-Mikrobrücken auf 20∘ vicinal geschnittenem LaAlO3 — •Michael Mans, Jens Scherbel und Paul Seidel
14:30 |
TT 8.27 |
Low Tc Josephson Junction response to an ultrafast laser pulse — •Procolo Lucignano, Arturo Tagliacozzo, and Giacomo Rotoli
14:30 |
TT 8.28 |
Spectroscopic Measurements on Discrete Breathers in Josephson ladders — •M. Schuster and A.V. Ustinov
14:30 |
TT 8.29 |
Guided vortex motion in Nb films on facetted substrate surfaces — •Oleksiy K. Soroka, Michael Huth, Valerij A. Shklovskij, Jens Oster, and Hermann Adrian
14:30 |
TT 8.30 |
Ultra fast magneto-optics on BSCCO single crystals — •Björn Biehler, Bernd-Uwe Runge, and Paul Leiderer
14:30 |
TT 8.31 |
Magnetooptische Untersuchung des radiofrequenzinduzierten Übergangs in die Normalleitung eines YBa2Cu3O7−x-Films — •Simon Che’Rose, Andreas Heinrich, Bernd Stritzker, Alois Hiebl, Kai Numssen und Helmut Kinder
14:30 |
TT 8.32 |
Magnetic Properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Ring Structures — •K. Schindler, M. Ziese, P. Esquinazi, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, E. Salamatin, and K. Zimmer
14:30 |
TT 8.33 |
Frequency dependence up to microwave frequencies of the ab-plane conductivity peak near Tc of YBa2Cu2O7−δ — •D. Görlitz and J. Kötzler
14:30 |
TT 8.34 |
Evidence for a percolation-driven transition to coherent surface superconductivity — •Lars von Sawilski, Sara Casalbuoni, and Jürgen Kötzler
14:30 |
TT 8.35 |
Influence of Fermi surface topology on the quasiparticle spectrum in the vortex state — •Siegfried Graser, Thomas Dahm, and Nils Schopohl
14:30 |
TT 8.36 |
Local Quasiparticle Density of States in unconventional Type-II Superconductors — •Christian Iniotakis and Nils Schopohl
14:30 |
TT 8.37 |
Mirage phenomena in quantum corrals of s-wave superconductors — •Markus Schmid and Arno P. Kampf
14:30 |
TT 8.38 |
Extraction of the nonlinear response function from intermodulation distortion experiments and application to high-temperature superconductor resonators — •Roland Hott, Alexander Zaitsev, and Rudolf Schneider
14:30 |
TT 8.39 |
Unusual electronic and magnetic properties of intermetallic antiperovskites — •Claire Loison and Helge Rosner
14:30 |
TT 8.40 |
Photo-induced Excitation of Cooper Pairs in Superconductors — •Jamal Berakdar and Konstantin Kouzakov
14:30 |
TT 8.41 |
Optical conductivity and approximate conservation laws in d-wave superconductors — •Philip Howell and Achim Rosch
14:30 |
TT 8.42 |
Raman study of charge ordering instabilities in La2−xSrxCuO4 — •Leonardo Tassini, Francesca Venturini, Rudi Hackl, Qing-ming Zhang, N. Kikugawa, and Tojitsu Fujita
14:30 |
TT 8.43 |
Electronic structure of doped Bi-cuprates — •R.-S. Unger, M. Schneider, T. Stemmler, L. Lasogga, H. Dwelk, A. Krapf, C. Janowitz und R. Manzke
14:30 |
TT 8.44 |
Nernst effect of stripe ordering La1.8−xEu0.2SrxCuO4 — •E. Ahmed, C. Hess, B. Büchner, U. Ammeral, A. Revcolevschi, and B. Keimer
14:30 |
TT 8.45 |
Temperature dependence of Bismuth-based HTSC as seen in ARPES — •B. Müller, L. Dudy, H. Dwelk, A. Krapf, C. Janowitz, H. Höchst, and R. Manzke
14:30 |
TT 8.46 |
Superconductivity and weak electron-phonon coupling in transition metal diborides — •H. Rosner, S.-L. Drechsler, G. Fuchs, K.-H. Müller, G. Behr, H. Eschrig, R. Heid, E. Forzani, K. Winzer, Y. Naidyuk, and O. Otani
14:30 |
TT 8.47 |
”Supraleitende” und ”magnetische” Energiebänder bestimmter Symmetrie als Voraussetzung für Supraleitung bzw. Magnetismus — •Ekkehard Krüger
14:30 |
TT 8.48 |
Budd-Vannimenus theorem for superconductors — •K. Morawetz, P. Lipavský, Jan Koláček, J.J. Mares, E.H. Brandt, and M. Schreiber
14:30 |
TT 8.49 |
Pressure and Doping Dependence of the Super Exchange of 2D-Cuprates — •Helge Rosner, Ulrike Nitzsche, and Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler
14:30 |
TT 8.50 |
Crystal growth, perfection and selected physical properties of RENi2B2C (RE=Y, Tb, Ho) — •Dmitri Souptel, Günter Behr, Wolfgang Löser, Günter Fuchs, Konstantin Nenkov, and Andreas Kreyssig
14:30 |
TT 8.51 |
Tieftemperaturverhalten von CeNi2B2C — •Dmitrij Bogdanov, Klaus Winzer und Eugenio Forzani
14:30 |
TT 8.52 |
The effect of noble-gas preplating on quench-condensed hydrogen films — •Stefan Tibus, Jürgen Klier, and Paul Leiderer
14:30 |
TT 8.53 |
Josephson coupling in Nb/Al2O3/Cu1Ni1−x/Nb tunnel junctions — •Martin Weides, Edward Goldobin, Reinhold Kleiner, and Hermann Kohlstedt