Berlin 2005 –
scientific programme
DF 9: Phasenüberg
änge und Spektroskopie
Tuesday, March 8, 2005, 10:00–12:40, TU EMH225
10:00 |
DF 9.1 |
Invited Talk:
Size effects in BaTiO nanopowders and of BaTiO3 embedded in mesoporous materials — •Dieter Michel, Rolf Boettcher, Emre Erdem, Gert Klotzsche, and Winfried Boehlmann
10:40 |
DF 9.2 |
Lithium-Spin-Alignment-Echospektroskopie am Ionenleiter β-Spodumen — •Christoph Rier und Roland Böhmer
11:00 |
DF 9.3 |
Creep and relaxation dynamics of domain walls in periodically poled KTiOPO4 — •Wolfgang Kleemann, Thomas Braun, Jan Dec, and Pamela A. Thomas
11:20 |
DF 9.4 |
Magnetoelektrischer und anti-magnetoelektrischer Effekt in ferroelektrischen Manganiten — •M. Fiebig, Th. Lottermoser und T. Lonkai
11:40 |
DF 9.5 |
Non-linear and scaling properties of the dielectric response of SrTi18O3 in the quantum paraelectric regime — •Wolfgang Kleemann, Jan Dec, and Mitsuru Itoh
12:00 |
DF 9.6 |
Dielectric response due to stochastic motion of pinned domain walls — •Andrei Fedorenko, Volkmar Mueller, and Semjon Stepanow
12:20 |
DF 9.7 |
Dielectric spectroscopy of CuInP2(SxSe1−x)6 ( with x=0.4-0.95) layered crystals — •Juras Banys, Jan Macutkevic, Robertas Grigalaitis, Algirdas Brilingas, and Julian Vysochanskii