Berlin 2005 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 12: Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkung II
Montag, 7. März 2005, 10:45–12:45, TU HS107
10:45 |
DS 12.1 |
Solid matter under extreme conditions - Electronic excitations by swift highly charged ions — •Gregor Schiwietz
11:30 |
DS 12.2 |
Swift heavy ion irradiation of InP: Why a thin surface layer remains crystalline? — •Andrey Kamarou, Werner Wesch, and Elke Wendler
11:45 |
DS 12.3 |
Ion-induced sputtering — •Bente Walz, Gregor Schiwietz, Melanie Roth und Beate Schattat
12:00 |
DS 12.4 |
Self-organisation of thin NiO-films under swift heavy ion bombardment — •M. Kalafat, A. Feyh, W. Bolse, D. Etissa-Debissa, S. Klaumünzer, G. Schumacher, and G. Bilger
12:15 |
DS 12.5 |
Trapping and transport of gold atoms in tracks of swift heavy ions — •C. Dais, W. Bolse, and J. K. N. Lindner
12:30 |
DS 12.6 |
High-energy Au implantation of GaAs at 16 K — •E. Wendler, R. Lauck, and W. Wesch