Berlin 2005 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 22: Optische Spektroskopie dünner Schichten II
Dienstag, 8. März 2005, 14:30–16:45, TU HS110
14:30 |
DS 22.1 |
Optical response of a π-conjugated molecular monolayer adsorbed on Si(001): A first-principles study — •Andreas Hermann, Wolf G. Schmidt, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
14:45 |
DS 22.2 |
Dielektrische Simulation der optischen Eigenschaften von TCO-Schichten — •Dieter Mergel und Zhaohui Qiao
15:00 |
DS 22.3 |
Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy as a versatile tool for the development and control of MOVPE growth processes for devices — •Martin Zorn, Thomas Zettler, and Markus Weyers
15:15 |
DS 22.4 |
New opportunities for RAS analysis of metal surfaces and thin films — •Peter Zeppenfeld, Lidong Sun, and Michael Hohage
15:30 |
DS 22.5 |
In-situ RAS study of para-sexiphenyl film growth on metal and oxide surfaces — •L.D. Sun, M. Hohage, Y. Hu, K. Maschek, P. Zeppenfeld, S. Berkebile, F.P. Netzer, and M.G. Ramsey
15:45 |
DS 22.6 |
Potential fluctuations in compensated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 - A photoluminescence study — •Niklas Rega, Susanne Siebentritt, Juergen Albert, and Martha Lux-Steiner
16:00 |
DS 22.7 |
Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy of highly compensated CuGaSe2 — •Susanne Siebentritt, Alexander Zajogin, Niklas Rega, and Martha Lux-Steiner
16:15 |
DS 22.8 |
VUV spectroscopic ellipsometry of cytosine and functionalized cytosine using synchrotron radiation — •Y. Suzuki, O. D. Gordan, S. D. Silaghi, A. Schubert, W. R. Thiel, C. Cobet, W. Braun, and D. R. T. Zahn
16:30 |
DS 22.9 |
Characterization of GaN/AlxGa1−xN quantum well structures by spectroscopic ellipsometry and photoluminescence — •U. Rossow, D. Fuhrmann, T. Retzlaff, N. Riedel, and A. Hangleiter