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DS: Dünne Schichten
DS 23: Postersitzung I
DS 23.30: Poster
Friday, March 4, 2005, 16:00–18:30, Poster TU B
YBCO thin films prepared by fluorine-free polymer-based chemical solution deposition — •Claudia Apetrii1, Heike Schlörb1, Martina Falter1, Irene von Lampe2, Ludwig Schultz1, and Bernhard Holzapfel1 — 1IFW Dresden, Helmholzstr.20, 01069 Dresden — 2TU Berlin, Englischestr. 20, 10587 Berlin
We describe a chemical solution deposition (CSD) route towards inexpensive and environmentally friendly preparation of YBCO coated conductors. Stoichiometric amounts of Y-, Ba-, and Cu- nitrates were chosen as starting substances for the preparation of a polymer metal precursor solution. The starting substances and polyacrylic (or polymethacrylic) acid were dissolved in dimethylformamide (DMF), to obtain the precursor solution. The polymer metal precursor films were produced by spin coating of a stoichiometric solution onto SrTiO3 single crystal substrate and then dried at 170∘C in air. The heat treatment was performed in a tube furnace with a reaction temperature of 775∘C. Good superconducting properties, with a inductively measured Tc of 90.4 K (ΔTc=1.2 K) and Jc of 106 A/cm2 at 77K, have been obtained on epitaxially grown YBCO films using the polymer-based precursors.