17:00 |
DS 24.1 |
Nonlinear optical coefficients from first-principles calculations: Different numerical approaches — •Roman Leitsmann, W.G. Schmidt, P.H. Hahn und F. Bechstedt
17:00 |
DS 24.2 |
Surface optical anisotropy induced by water molecules adsorbed on Si(001): First-principles calculations — •Kaori Seino and Wolf G. Schmidt
17:00 |
DS 24.3 |
Anharmonic decay of optical phonons in III-V semiconductors at temperatures up to 1200 K — •Eugen Speiser, Torsten Schmidtling, and Wolfgang Richter
17:00 |
DS 24.4 |
Optimisation of MOVPE growth of InN with spectroscopic ellipsometry — •M. Drago, C. Werner, T. Schmidtling, M. Pristovsek, U.W. Pohl, and W. Richter
17:00 |
DS 24.5 |
Origin of the optical anisotropy oscillations during the oxidation of Si(001) — •Frank Fuchs, Wolf G. Schmidt, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
17:00 |
DS 24.6 |
Comparative studies of interactions between intense pulsed laser and gold nanoparticles in water and toluene phases — •Zhangquan Peng, Thomas Walther, and Karl Kleinermanns
17:00 |
DS 24.7 |
Optical anisotropy of clean and adsorbate modified vicinal Si(001) surfaces — •Regina Paßmann, Matthias Wahl, Michael Gensch, Karsten Hinrichs, Patrick Vogt, Wolf Gero Schmidt, Wolfgang Richter, and Norbert Esser
17:00 |
DS 24.8 |
Multichannel RAS – a versatile means for fast in situ-measurements — •Ch. Kaspari, S. Weeke, F. Poser, M. Pristovsek, and W. Richter
17:00 |
DS 24.9 |
The dielectric properties of organic heterostructures compared to mixed layers — •Daniel Lehmann, M. Friedrich, A. Fechner, and D.R.T. Zahn
17:00 |
DS 24.10 |
Influence of superlattice structure on the optical properties of organic materials — •Sascha Hermann, Ovidiu Gordan, Marion Friedrich, and Dietrich Zahn
17:00 |
DS 24.11 |
Applications of synchrotron infrared ellipsometry for analysis of small samples and heterogeneous films — •Michael Gensch, Katy Roodenko, Ullrich Schade, Arnulf Röseler, Ernst-Heiner Korte, Karsten Hinrichs, and Norbert Esser
17:00 |
DS 24.12 |
Raman identification of the in-plane axes of zincblende (100) surfaces: Basic principles and application to II-VI / III-V heterostructures — •T. Muck, J.W. Wagner, J. Geurts, and V. Wagner
17:00 |
DS 24.13 |
Characterization of ruthenium dyes for organic solar cells with Raman and SERS micro-spectroscopy — •Carmen Pérez León, Lothar Kador, Bin Peng, and Mukundan Thelakkat
17:00 |
DS 24.14 |
Ellipsometric investigation of valence band and core level excitation in thin nitride films — •Munise Rakel, Christoph Cobet, Rüdiger Goldhahn, Karsten Fleischer, Wolfgang Richter, and Norbert Esser
17:00 |
DS 24.15 |
Surface and layer properties of MOVPE-grown InN — •S. J. Simon, R. Ehlert, M. Drago, C. Werner, N. Esser, P. Vogt, and W. Richter
17:00 |
DS 24.16 |
Influence of magnetic field on the growth of vanadyl phthalocyanine thin films on Si(111) substrates — •V. Kolotovska, G. Salvan, O. D. Gordan, C.C. Himcinschi, M. Friedrich, and D.R.T. Zahn
17:00 |
DS 24.17 |
Composition and thermal stability of thin functional oxidic (Pr, La, Y) and metallic (Ru, Ti) layers on Si and SiC substrates — •Andriy Styervoyedov, Ioanna Paloumpa, and Dieter Schmeisser
17:00 |
DS 24.18 |
Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of thin carbon films — •Pavel Tolstykh, Sviatoslav Shokhovets, and Gerhard Gobsch
17:00 |
DS 24.19 |
Thermisch aufgedampfte, epitaktische Eu:LuSc2O3-Filme auf alpha-Al2O3 — •Lutz Rabisch, Stefan Ehlert, Sebastian Bär und Günter Huber
17:00 |
DS 24.20 |
Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy extended into the IR and VUV spectral range — •Matthias Wahl, Karsten Fleischer, Sandhya Chandola, Norbert Esser, and Wolfgang Richter
17:00 |
DS 24.21 |
Laserablation von Cu2Ta4O12-Filmen — •Robert Lux, Andreas Heinrich, Bernd Stritzker, Bernd Renner, Stefan Ebbinghaus und Armin Reller
17:00 |
DS 24.22 |
Growth and microstructure of polymer- metal composites prepared by pulsed laser deposition — •Johanna Röder, Jörg Faupel, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
17:00 |
DS 24.23 |
Laser-induced periodic structures in plasma polymer films with embedded metal nanoparticles — •Katrin Löschner, Andreas Kiesow, Andreas Heilmann, Amin Abdolvand, and Gerhard Seifert
17:00 |
DS 24.24 |
Abscheidung von ZnO mittels Pulsed Laser Deposition auf Saphir — •Martin Beck
17:00 |
DS 24.25 |
Mechanism of pulsed laser deposition of PMMA — •Erik Süske, Thorsten Scharf, Thomas Junkers, Michael Buback und Hans-Ulrich Krebs
17:00 |
DS 24.26 |
Laser-carburizing of austenitic stainless steel — •Michael Kahle, Ettore Carpene, Salvatore Cusenza, and Peter Schaaf
17:00 |
DS 24.27 |
Herstellung dünner Cu2O Schichten mittels gepulster Laserablation — •Kerstin Wätje, Andreas Heinrich und Bernd Stritzker