Berlin 2005 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 17: Spinabh
ängiger Transport II
Montag, 7. März 2005, 10:30–13:00, TU H1012
10:30 |
MA 17.1 |
Influence of domain wall stray fields on the magnetization reversal of an FeNi/Al2O3/Co tunnel junction — •K. Fukumoto, W. Kuch, J. Vogel, R. Hertel, J. Camarero, S. Pizzini, F. Romanens, M. Bonfim, A. Fontaine, and J. Kirschner
10:45 |
MA 17.2 |
Niederfrequente 1/f-Rauschanalyse der Grenzflächeneigenschaften magnetoresistiver LSMO:MgO Komposit-Schichten — •M. Esseling, V. Moshnyaga, A. Marx, R. Gross und K. Samwer
11:00 |
MA 17.3 |
Galvanomagnetische Transporteigenschaften von Stickstoffsubstituiertem La0.65Sr0.30MnO3 und LaMnO3 — •M. von Kreutzbruck, G. Lembke, C. Korte und B. Franz
11:15 |
MA 17.4 |
Collective spin fluctuations in Fe and Fe3Si films on GaAs substrates — •K. - J. Friedland, M. Bowen, J. Herfort, P. K. Muduli, H. P. Schönherr, and K. H. Ploog
11:30 |
MA 17.5 |
Conductance through single atoms: Eigenchannel analysis within the ab initio screened KKR method. — •Alexei Bagrets, Nikos Papanikolaou, and Ingrid Mertig
11:45 |
MA 17.6 |
Transport in nanowires: An ab initio describtion — •Michael Czerner, Alexej Bagrets, Valeri Stepanyuk, Andrey Klavsyuk, and Ingrid Mertig
12:00 |
MA 17.7 |
Conductivity of ultrathin Fe layers: influence of quantum confinement and local defects — •Dimitri V. Fedorov, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
12:15 |
MA 17.8 |
Effect of interface interdiffusion on the electronic, magnetic and transport properties of Fe/GaAs/Fe Trilayer Systems — •Voicu Popescu and Hubert Ebert
12:30 |
MA 17.9 |
Magnetowiderstand in verunreinigten Fe/V/Fe Systemen — •Heike C. Herper, Andrey Beznogov und Peter Entel
12:45 |
MA 17.10 |
Disorder effects on spin-dependent tunneling — •Michael Wimmer and Klaus Richter