10:30 |
MA 19.1 |
Depth-resolved investigation of the lateral magnetic correlations in polycristalline multilayers by reflectivity and off-specular scattering of polarized neutrons — •Emmanuel Kentzinger, Ulrich Rücker, Boris Toperverg, Frédéric Ott, and Thomas Brückel
10:45 |
MA 19.2 |
Band Structure in Strong Magnetic Fields — •Manfred Taut
11:00 |
MA 19.3 |
Einfluss der Dimensionsreduzierung auf den Magnetismus in MnS — •Thomas Kurz, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Alois Loidl, Peter Klar, Limei Chen, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Felix Brieler und Michael Fröba
11:15 |
MA 19.4 |
Schaltverhalten amorpher, nanostrukturierter CoFeB-Elemente — •N. Wiese, T. Dimopoulos, M. Rührig, J. Wecker, H. Brückl und G. Reiss
11:30 |
MA 19.5 |
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe100−xPtx Powders — •Julia Lyubina, Oliver Gutfleisch, Karl-Hartmut Müller, and Ludwig Schultz
11:45 |
MA 19.6 |
Ion-Irradiation-Induced Chemical Ordering of Intermetallic Alloys: Predictions Based on Atomistic Simulations — •Karl-Heinz Heinig and Harry Bernas
12:00 |
MA 19.7 |
Anisotropy patterning of amorphous CoFeSiB films by He-ion irradiation — •Jeffrey McCord, Jürgen Fassbender, Michael Frommberger, Maciej Oskar Liedke, Eckhard Quandt, and Ludwig Schultz
12:15 |
MA 19.8 |
DOMAIN PROPAGATION IN ION BOMBARDED MAGNETIC WIRES WITH OPPOSITE EXCHANGE BIAS — •K. Theis-Bröhl, B. P. Toperverg, J. McCord, U. Rücker, J. Schmalhorst, V. Höink, H. Brückl, T. Weis, D. Engel, A. Ehresmann, and H. Zabel
12:30 |
MA 19.9 |
SOFT MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe-Cr-Mo-Ga-P-C-B BMG — •Stoica Mihai, Roth Stefan, Rellinghaus Bernd, Schultz Ludwig, and Eckert Jürgen
12:45 |
MA 19.10 |
Magnetic multilayers on nanospheres — •Ildico Guhr, Till Ulbrich, Guohan Hu, Johannes Boneberg, Günter Schatz, and Manfred Albrecht