14:00 |
MA 20.1 |
Pulsed laser deposition of electron-doped La1−xCexCoO3 thin films — •Dirk Fuchs, Peter Adelmann, Peter Schweiss, Thorsten Schwarz, and Rudolf Schneider
14:00 |
MA 20.2 |
Unusual finite-size scaling behavior of La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 thin films — •Thorsten Schwarz, Dirk Fuchs, Peter Schweiss, and Rudolf Schneider
14:00 |
MA 20.3 |
La-doping in epitaxial thin films of LaxSr2−xCrWO6 — •Robert Geißler, Petra Majewski, Stephan Geprägs, Andrea Boger, Andreas Erb, Matthias Opel, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.4 |
Anisotropic Current-Voltage Characteristics of Strained Sr2CrWO6 Thin Films — •Andrea Boger, Petra Majewski, Stephan Geprägs, Andreas Erb, Matthias Opel, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.5 |
Influence of a forming gas atmosphere on the properties of laser deposited FePt thin films — •Robert Maaß, Martin Weisheit, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
14:00 |
MA 20.6 |
Rapid Thermal Annealing of FePt thin films — •Jörg Buschbeck, Martin Weisheit, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
14:00 |
MA 20.7 |
Micromagnetic properties of MnAs films on GaAs (001) studied by variable temperature and field MFM — •Jyoti Mohanty, Thorsten Hesjedal, Lutz Däweritz, and Klaus H. Ploog
14:00 |
MA 20.8 |
Temperature dependence of the magnetization in ultrathin epitaxial FeCo layers with vanishing crystal anisotropy — •Matthias Sperl, Wolfgang Kipferl, Martin Dumm und Günther Bayreuther
14:00 |
MA 20.9 |
Magnetic saturation and anisotropy in FeCo alloy films grown on Pd(001) — •A. Winkelmann, M. Przybylski, Y. Shi, J. Barthel, and J. Kirschner
14:00 |
MA 20.10 |
On origin of perpendicular anisotropy in Co/Pd(111) system — •J. Zukrowski, M. Przybylski, M. Wasniowska, W. Wulfhekel, J. Barthel, and J. Kirschner
14:00 |
MA 20.11 |
On the origin of perpendicular anisotropy in Co/Pd(111) — •J. Zukrowski, M. Przybylski, M. Wasniowska, W. Wulfhekel, J. Barthel, and J. Kirschner
14:00 |
MA 20.12 |
Strukturelle und magnetische Charakterisierung von Fe-Strukturen auf InAs(001) und GaAs(110)-Spaltflächen — •Matthias Haak, D. You, C. Urban, M. Kneppe, I. Rauschenbach, H. Stein, U. Köhler, D. Spoddig, R. Meckenstock und J. Pelzl
14:00 |
MA 20.13 |
Digital Lock-In XMCD-experiments with a quarter wave plate — •Max Harlander, Jochen Geisler, Eberhard Goering, Uwe Grüner, Sebastian Macke und Gisela Schütz
14:00 |
MA 20.14 |
Advanced fitting algorithm for resonant magnetic and non magnetic soft and hard X-ray reflectometry simulations — •Max Harlander, Jochen Geisler, Eberhard Goering, Uwe Grüner, Sebastian Macke, and Gisela Schütz
14:00 |
MA 20.15 |
Spectroscopy of unoccupied states and spin-depolarization dynamics of materials with a high spin-polarization — •M. Cinchetti, O. Andreyev, M. Sánchez-Albaneda, P. Wüstenberg, M. Bauer, and M. Aeschlimann
14:00 |
MA 20.16 |
Core-valence interactions in 2p photoemission of 3d metals - a study of magnetic dichroism in spinresolved photoelectron spectroscopy — •C. Bethke, E. Kisker, N.B. Weber, and F.U. Hillebrecht
14:00 |
MA 20.17 |
Der Einfluss von Spinwellen-Wechselwirkungen auf die Interlagen-Austauschkopplung — •Stephan Schwieger, Jochen Kienert und Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
MA 20.18 |
Theory of field induced spin reorientation transition in thin Heisenberg films — •Jochen Kienert, Stephan Schwieger, and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
MA 20.19 |
Observation of the Fe Spin Spiral Structure in Fe/Sm-Co Exchange Spring Bilayers by 57Fe-Probe Layer Mössbauer Spectroscopy — •A. Khrenov, W. Keune, V.E. Kuncser, J.S. Jiang und S.D. Bader
14:00 |
MA 20.20 |
Magnetism of atomic chains, islands and surface alloys of Fe on Pt substrates — •A. Enders, T.Y. Lee, J. Honolka, K. Kuhnke, D. Repetto, K. Fauth, M. Hessler, G. Schütz, and K. Kern
14:00 |
MA 20.21 |
Magnetic structures in dipolar coupled multilayers — •Oleg Petracic, Subhankar Bedanta, and Wolfgang Kleemann
14:00 |
MA 20.22 |
Electric control of exchange bias — •Pavel Borisov, Andreas Hochstrat, Xi Chen, and Wolfgang Kleemann
14:00 |
MA 20.23 |
X-ray and Neutron Scattering studies of NiMn-CoFe exchange bias systems — •Danica Solina, Dieter Lott, R Kaltofen, J Schumann, Jürgen Fassbender, Ursula Tietze, and Andreas Schreyer
14:00 |
MA 20.24 |
Magnetische und chemische Grenzflächeneigenschaften von Tunnelelementen mit FeOx Elektroden — •Marc Sacher, Jan Schmalhorst und Günter Reiss
14:00 |
MA 20.25 |
Magnetic domain structures in Fe3O4 thin films studied by magnetic force microscopy (MFM) — •Jiandong Wei, Michael Koblischka, Uwe Hartmann, Yang Zhou, Shane Muphy, and I.V. Shvets
14:00 |
MA 20.26 |
Structure and Electronic Properties of the Fe3O4(100) Surface: Evidence of a Half-Metal to Metal Transition — •M. Fonin, Yu. Dedkov, R. Pentcheva, M. Sperlich, M. Scheffler, U. Rüdiger, and G. Güntherodt
14:00 |
MA 20.27 |
Growth of thin Ni2MnIn Heusler alloy films on in-situ cleaved InAs (110)-surfaces — •Mahdi Mahajeri, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Malte A. Kurfiß, Malte Lieske, Rainer Anton, and Guido Meier
14:00 |
MA 20.28 |
Properties of thin LaMnO3 layers and its characterization as a tunneling barrier — •Andreas Kleine, Yuansu Luo, Markus Esseling, and Konrad Samwer
14:00 |
MA 20.29 |
Piezo-controlled cantilever magnetometer for de Hass-van Alphen effect studies on MnAs — •O. Rösler, A. Krohn, M. Wilde, J.I. Springborn, D. Grundler, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, L. Däweritz, K.J. Friedland, and K.H. Ploog
14:00 |
MA 20.30 |
Magnetische sub-mikrometer Tunnelstrukturen in Logikgattern — •Dirk Meyners, Hubert Brückl, Günter Reiss, Nils Wiese und Joachim Wecker
14:00 |
MA 20.31 |
Aspects of spin-dependent scattering in magnetic nano-constrictions — •Jamal Berakdar, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnas, M. Vieira, W. Dobrowolski, and V.F. Mitin
14:00 |
MA 20.32 |
Aluminum oxide tunnel junctions and all-metal mesoscopic spin-valve devices — •Alexander van Staa, Christine M. S. Johnas, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
14:00 |
MA 20.33 |
Die level uniformity of magnetic tunnel junctions under lithographic aspects — •Karsten Rott and Hubert Brückl
14:00 |
MA 20.34 |
Fabrication and characterization of magnetic tunnel junctions with ultrathin barriers — •A. Parge, G. Eilers, and M. Münzenberg
14:00 |
MA 20.35 |
Fe on GaAs(110) cleaved edges - magnetic, electrical and optical investigations — •P. Kotissek, M. Bailleul, M. Sperl, W. Kipferl, P. Chen, W. Wegscheider und G. Bayreuther
14:00 |
MA 20.36 |
Magnetotransport measurements and simulations of permalloy microstructures — •J. Kruse, R. Eiselt, M. Bolte, M. Steiner, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
14:00 |
MA 20.37 |
Large room temperature TMR effect in Fe3O4 based magnetic tunnel junctions — •Edwin Menzel, Suleman Qureshi, Daniel Reisinger, Andreas Erb, Matthias Opel, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.38 |
Magnetoresistance in bicrystal Fe3O4 thin films — •A. Bollero, M. Ziese, P. Esquinazi, K. Dörr, and I. Mönch
14:00 |
MA 20.39 |
Heusler alloy based MTJs with afm coupled reference layer system — •J. Schumann, H. Vinzelberg, R. Kaltofen, D. Elefant, I. Mönch, J. Thomas, and M. Hecker
14:00 |
MA 20.40 |
Präparation und Eigenschaften dünner Maganat-Titanat Kompositschichten — •Kai Gehrke, Alexandr Belenchuk, Oleg Shapoval, Vasily Moshnyaga und Konrad Samwer
14:00 |
MA 20.41 |
Spin-dependent tunneling in the nearly-free-electron model — •Peter Bose, Ingrid Mertig, and Jürgen Henk
14:00 |
MA 20.42 |
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 — •Sigrun A. Köster, Lakshamana Sudheendra, Vasily Moshnyaga, Bernd Damaschke, and Konrad Samwer
14:00 |
MA 20.43 |
Magnetotransport in Sr2CrWO6 thin films — •Petra Majewski, Andrea Boger, Stephan Geprägs, Robert Geißler, Andreas Erb, Matthias Opel, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.44 |
Tunneling magnetoresistance of CnHm (n=1,2,6, m=2,4,6) molecules sitting between Co clusters — •H. Zare Kolsaraki and H. Micklitz
14:00 |
MA 20.45 |
Magnetowiderstandsmessungen an granularen Strukturen synthetisiert aus magnetischen Nanopartikeln — •Inga Ennen, Daniela Sudfeld, Andreas Hütten, Klaus Wojczykowski, Peter Jutzi und Günter Reiss
14:00 |
MA 20.46 |
X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism studies of ion bombarded ferromagnet-antiferromagnet bilayers — •J. Schmalhorst, M. Sacher, V. Höink, G. Reiss, D. Engel, and A. Ehresmann
14:00 |
MA 20.47 |
Initialization of unidirectional anisotropy in a ferromagnet - antiferromagnet bilayer by keV-He ion bombardment — •D. Engel, A. Ehresmann, J. Schmalhorst, M. Sacher, V. Höink, and G. Reiss
14:00 |
MA 20.48 |
Thermische Stabilität magnetischer Nanostrukturen in ionenstrahlmodifizierten Exchange Bias Systemen — •J. Schmalhorst, V. Höink, M. Sacher, G. Reiss, D. Engel und A. Ehresmann
14:00 |
MA 20.49 |
AF thickness dependence of the 10keV He-ion bombardment induced exchange-bias modification in multilayers containing MnIr as antiferromagnet — •T. Weis, D. Junk, D. Engel, A. Ehresmann, V. Höink, J. Schmalhorst, and G. Reiss
14:00 |
MA 20.50 |
Azimuthal dependence of exchange bias and coercive field of Fe(110)/CoO(111) exchange bias bilayer — •Gregor Nowak, Florin Radu, Kurt Westerholt, and Hartmut Zabel
14:00 |
MA 20.51 |
Coercivity and exchange bias of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic multilayers — •Ulrich Nowak, Gregor Scholten, and Klaus D. Usadel
14:00 |
MA 20.52 |
Nano-structured exchange bias systems — •Björn Beckmann, Ulrich Nowak, and Klaus D. Usadel
14:00 |
MA 20.53 |
Magnetic domain structure of micro-patterned PtMn/NiFe exchange bias bilayers — •K. Potzger, L. Bischoff, M. O. Liedke, B. Hillebrands, M. Rickart, P. Freitas, J. McCord, and J. Fassbender
14:00 |
MA 20.54 |
All-optical probe of magnetization dynamics in exchange bias systems — •M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, H. Schultheiss, C. Bayer, S. Blomeier, R. Kaltofen, J. Schumann, M. J. Carey, B. Hillebrands, and J. Fassbender
14:00 |
MA 20.55 |
Bi-domain state in the exchange bias system FeF2/FM with FM=Fe, Co or Ni — •Oleg Petracic, Igor V. Roshchin, Zhi-Pan Li, Rafael Morales, Xavier Batlle, and Ivan K. Schuller
14:00 |
MA 20.56 |
“Gigantic” Magnetoelectric Effect in Multiferroic Manganites — •M. Fiebig, Th. Lottermoser und T. Lonkai
14:00 |
MA 20.57 |
Magnetization Reversal in Exchange Biased Multilayers with Field Direction — •Amitesh Paul, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Ulrich Rücker, Daniel Bürgler, and Thomas Brückel
14:00 |
MA 20.58 |
Reversal of interlayer coupling with temperature — •M. Wietstruk, K.M. Döbrich, J.E. Prieto, O. Krupin, F. Heigl, G. Kaindl, and K. Starke
14:00 |
MA 20.59 |
Asymmetric fixed and rotatable magnetic anisotropy at the onset of exchange bias — •Jeffrey McCord and Roland Mattheis
14:00 |
MA 20.60 |
Tuning the Exchange Bias in FeMn/Ni81Fe19 by nonmagnetic Cu defects in the FeMn layer — •J.O. Hauch, C. Papusoi, M. Fecioru, and G. Güntherodt
14:00 |
MA 20.61 |
Orbital polarons versus itinerant eg electrons in doped manganites — •Maria Daghofer, Andrzej Oleś, and Wolfgang von der Linden
14:00 |
MA 20.62 |
Magnetization Reversal in Exchange Biased Multilayers with Field Direction — •Amitesh Paul, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Ulrich Rücker, Daniel Bürgler, and Thomas Brückel
14:00 |
MA 20.63 |
Exchange bias effects in [Pt/Co] - IrMn multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy — •S. Brück, J. Sort, V. Baltz, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny, S. Suriñach, J. S. Muñoz, M. D. Baró, and J. Nogués
14:00 |
MA 20.64 |
Dynamic quasi-particle behaviour of geometrically confined domain walls — •Daniel Bedau, Mathias Kläui, Ulrich Rüdiger, Dirk Backes, L. J. Heyderman, Giancarlo Faini, C.A.F. Vaz und J.A.C. Bland
14:00 |
MA 20.65 |
Superparamagnetic behaviour of vortex cores. — •Robert Wieser, Natalia Kazantseva, Ulrich Nowak und K. D. Usadel
14:00 |
MA 20.66 |
Ultrafast photo-conductive switches — •M. Pietz, S. Bretschneider, A. Parge, T. Salditt, A. Förster, and M. Münzenberg
14:00 |
MA 20.67 |
Spin-lattice relaxation phenomena in manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films — •Markus C. Weber, Vasily Moshnyaga, Konrad Samwer, and Burkard Hillebrands
14:00 |
MA 20.68 |
New 3D coplanar wave guide design using organic isolation layers for ultrafast magnetic switching investigations — •P. Martin Pimentel, H.T. Nembach, B. Leven, B. Hillebrands, S. Trellenkamp, and S. Wolff
14:00 |
MA 20.69 |
Ferromagnetic resonance in mesoscopic rectangular permalloy structures — •P. Reuter, F. Giesen, and D. Grundler
14:00 |
MA 20.70 |
Localized spin waves in nanostructured permalloy rings — •Jan Podbielski, Fabian Giesen, and Dirk Grundler
14:00 |
MA 20.71 |
Magnetic excitations in finite rectangular elements — •C. Bayer, J. Jorzick, H. Schultheiss, B. Hillebrands, S.O. Demokritov, A.N. Slavin, K. Guslienko, and M.P. Kostylev
14:00 |
MA 20.72 |
Ferromagnetische Resonanz an Fe/ZnSe detektiert mit nicht-zeitaufgelöstem Magnetooptischen Kerr-Effekt — •Marc Möller, Detlef Spoddig und Ralf Meckenstock
14:00 |
MA 20.73 |
Ab initio Calculation of Excitation Spectra in Magnetic Materials — •Manfred Niesert, Christoph Friedrich, Arno Schindlmayr, and Stefan Blügel
14:00 |
MA 20.74 |
Near-field imaging of magnetic nanostructures with high lateral and temporal resolution — •Gereon Meyer, Andreas Bauer, Andreas Goris, and Günter Kaindl
14:00 |
MA 20.75 |
Dynamic properties of geometrically confined domain walls — •Frederik Wegelin, Alexander Krasyuk, Mathias Kläui, Hans-Joachim Elmers und Gerhard Schönhense
14:00 |
MA 20.76 |
Ground state and constrained domain walls in Gd/Fe multilayers — •Bas B. van Aken, José L. Prieto, and Neil D. Mathur
14:00 |
MA 20.77 |
Magnetisch Wechselwirkende Permalloy Inseln auf Si(100) — •cengiz bircan, andreas westphalen, arndt remhof und hartmut zabel
14:00 |
MA 20.78 |
Magnetic domain structure of micro-patterned PtMn/CoFe exchange bias bilayers — •M.O. Liedke, K. Potzger, B. Hillebrands, M. Rickart, P. Freitas, and J. Fassbender
14:00 |
MA 20.79 |
Untersuchungen an elektrolytisch abgeschiedenen Permalloy nano Strukturen mittels lokaler thermischer Ferromagnetischer Resonanz — •D. Spoddig, M. V. Rastei, M. Baiffeul, E. Beaurepaire, R. Meckenstock, J.-P. Bucher und J. Pelzl
14:00 |
MA 20.80 |
Nanoscale Mechanosynthesized Magnesium Ferrite with Enhanced Magnetization — •Vladimir Šepelák, Ingo Bergmann, Frank Krumeich, Dirk Menzel, and Klaus Dieter Becker
14:00 |
MA 20.81 |
Investigation of (Fe(1−x)Cox)(1−y)Pty nanoparticles by different electron microscopic methods — •Daniela Sudfeld, Inga Ennen, Andreas Hütten, Günter Reiss, Daniel Meißner, Klaus Wojczykowski, and Peter Jutzi
14:00 |
MA 20.82 |
Growth Kinetics and Magnetic Properties of Alloyed Fe/Co Nanoparticles — •Klaus Wojczykowski, Daniela Sudfeld, Inga Ennen, Andreas Hütten, and Peter Jutzi
14:00 |
MA 20.83 |
Interface Magnetism in Co/CoO core-shell nanoparticles — •U. Wiedwald, H.-G. Boyen, J. Eisenmenger, F. Weigl, K. Zürn, P. Ziemann, K. Fauth, J. Lindner, M. Spasova und M. Farle
14:00 |
MA 20.84 |
Monte Carlo simulations for Hollow Invar Nanoparticles — •Sanjeev K. Nayak, Markus E. Gruner, and Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.85 |
Magnetoelastic properties and stability of hollow nanocomposites — •Markus E. Gruner, Sanjeev K. Nayak, and Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.86 |
Kettenbildung bei dipolaren magnetischen Nanopartikeln — •Stephan Buschmann, Alfred Hucht und Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.87 |
Jahn−Teller Effect in CuFe2O4 Nanoparticles — •Balaji Gopalan, Jörg Weissmüller, and Namdeo Gajbhiye
14:00 |
MA 20.88 |
FMR an FexPt1−x Nanopartikeln: Messung der temperaturabhängigen Anisotropieenergie — •D. Görlitz, F. Wiekhorst und J. Kötzler
14:00 |
MA 20.89 |
Magnetization of blocked magnetic nanoparticles — •H. Bremers, O. Michele, and J. Hesse
14:00 |
MA 20.90 |
Magnetization measurements on frozen ferrofluids - an attempt to separate interaction and anisotropy influences — •H. Bremers, O. Michele, and J. Hesse
14:00 |
MA 20.91 |
Magnetic property of a weakly interacting nanoparticle system — •Xi Chen, Subankar Bedanta, Wolfgang Kleemann, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
14:00 |
MA 20.92 |
Segregation properties of Fe-Ni clusters — •Sanjubala Sahoo, Georg Rollmann und Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.93 |
Entwicklung von Leiterbahnstrukturen zum Transport von magnetischen Teilchen — •A. Shoshi, M. Panhorst und H. Brückl
14:00 |
MA 20.94 |
Ferromagnetic filled carbon nanotubes: Synthesis, magnetic properties and delivery into human tumor cells — •I. MÖNCH, A. MEYE, D. ELEFANT, S. NING, R. KOZHUHAROVA, M. RITSCHEL, T. GEMMING, J. ACKER, and A. LEONHARDT
14:00 |
MA 20.95 |
Quantitative imaging of magnetization distributions of nanostructured ferromagnetic films — •Sebastian Dreyer, Christian Jooß, Sibylle Sievers, Martin Albrecht und Uwe Siegner
14:00 |
MA 20.96 |
Herstellung von speziellen MFM-Cantilevern für HF-MFM — •Michael R. Koblischka, Michael Kirsch, Uwe Hartmann und Thomas Sulzbach
14:00 |
MA 20.97 |
Study of the micromagnetic structure of a La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 film — •Michael Ziese
14:00 |
MA 20.98 |
Simulation of magnetic force microscopy of MnAs/GaAs(001) — •Roman Engel-Herbert, Jyoti Mohanty, and Thorsten Hesjedal
14:00 |
MA 20.99 |
Lokale thermische Detektion der Ferromagnetischen Resonanz an Permaloy-Streifen Gittern — •Igor Barsukov, Detlef Spoddig, Ralf Meckenstock, Cengiz Bircan, Arndt Remhof und Hartmut Zabel
14:00 |
MA 20.100 |
Photoelektronenbeugung (PED) und magnetischer Dichroismus in Rumfniveau-Photoemission von Fe und Co — •C. Bethke, N.B. Weber, F.U. Hillebrecht und A. Chassé
14:00 |
MA 20.101 |
Variation of the Magnetic Moment of Nickel by Electrochemical Charging — •Christian Lemier, Sadhan Ghosh, Jörg Weissmüller, and Raghavan N. Viswanath
14:00 |
MA 20.102 |
Reduced Magnetic Ordering Temperatures in Polycrystalline Ho Films — •E. Schierle, E. Weschke, and G. Kaindl
14:00 |
MA 20.103 |
Charakterisierung von Fe/GaAs(110) Grenzflächen mittels Ballistischer Elektronen Emissions Mikroskopie — •Sandra Schmaunz, Johann Vancea und Christian H. Back
14:00 |
MA 20.104 |
Atomic structure and magnetic properties of MnSi thin films — •M. Hortamani, P. Kratzer, and M. Scheffler
14:00 |
MA 20.105 |
Co-doped zinc oxide — •M. Lübbe, K.-W. Nielsen, A. Erb, J. Simon, W. Mader, L. Alff, M. Opel, and R. Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.106 |
Heterostructures based on ZnO and Magnetic Materials – a Possible Way to Artificial Magnetic Semiconductors? — •Karl-Wilhelm Nielsen, Maike Lübbe, Andreas Erb, Jürgen Simon, Werner Mader, Matthias Opel, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.107 |
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy and bias voltage dependence of magnetic tunnel junctions with polycrystalline Co2MnSi electrode — •Jan Schmalhorst, S. Kämmerer, G. Reiss, and A. Hütten
14:00 |
MA 20.108 |
Implementation of Co2MnSi electrodes in magnetic tunnel junctions: magnetic and chemical bulk properties compared to the interface — •Jan Schmalhorst, M. Sacher, S. Kämmerer, V. Höink, G. Reiss, A. Hütten, D. Engel, A. Ehresmann, and E. Arenholz
14:00 |
MA 20.109 |
Thin epitaxial films of the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al — •Horst Schneider, Gerhard Jakob, Frederick Casper, Andrés Conca, Martin Jourdan, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Claudia Felser
14:00 |
MA 20.110 |
Current-density-functional theory approach to persistent currents and orbital magnetism — •Marc Siegmund and Oleg Pankratov
14:00 |
MA 20.111 |
Orbital Polarization in the Kohn-Sham-Dirac Theory — •Mahdi Sargolzaei, Helmut Eschrig, Manuel Richter, Klaus Koepernik, and Ingo Opahle
14:00 |
MA 20.112 |
XMCD studies of magnetic properties of ZrZn2 — •Sergey Mankovsky, Hubert Ebert, Fabrice Wilhelm, and Andrej Rogalev
14:00 |
MA 20.113 |
Correlation effects in the valence bands of EuS — •Anand Sharma and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
MA 20.114 |
Calculated Magnetic Susceptibility of Palladium metal — •Maeng-suk Kim, Manuel Richter, Michael D. Kuz’min, Ingo Opahle, and Klaus Koepernik
14:00 |
MA 20.115 |
Breakdown of magnetization in nano-constricted domain walls. — •Natalia Kazantseva, Robert Wieser, Ulrich Nowak, and Klaus D. Usadel
14:00 |
MA 20.116 |
Analyse magnetischer Volumendomänen in FeSi (111)-Kristallen — •Rudolf Schäfer und Sabine Schinnerling
14:00 |
MA 20.117 |
Spin structure of domain walls in ferromagnetic ring magnets — •M. Laufenberg, M. Kläui, D. Bedau, U. Rüdiger, C.A.F. Vaz, J.A.C. Bland, L.J. Heyderman, D. Backes, F. Nolting, E. Bauer, S. Cherifi, S. Heun und A. Locatelli
14:00 |
MA 20.118 |
Entanglement and the phase diagram of spin-1 chains — •Clemens Müller-Gugenberger, Andreas Schadschneider, and Achim Rosch
14:00 |
MA 20.119 |
Ferromagnetic Polarons in the 1D ferromagnetic Kondo Model with quantum mechanical S=3/2 corespins — •Danilo Neuber, Maria Daghofer, Hans Gerd Evertz, Reinhard Noack, and Wolfgang von der Linden
14:00 |
MA 20.120 |
Size-effects on the magnetic phase transition of Fe/GaAs(001) — •Roland Meier, Frank Bensch, Wolfgang Kipferl, and Guenther Bayreuther
14:00 |
MA 20.121 |
Oberflächenmagnetisierung an flüssigem Co80Pd20 in der Nähe der Curietemperatur — •Lucian Isfan und Karl Maier
14:00 |
MA 20.122 |
New model for conversion process in RCu2 (R = rare earth) — •Sebastian Raasch, Mathias Doerr, Martin Rotter, Andreas Kreyssig, Jens-Uwe Hoffmann, and Michael Loewenhaupt
14:00 |
MA 20.123 |
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of boldRMn6Ge6−xGax-compounds — •Jens Schnelzer und Elmar Dormann
14:00 |
MA 20.124 |
Magnetic structure of Tb2PdSi3: Investigation of long- and short- range magnetic order in external magnetic fields — •Matthias Frontzek, Andreas Kreyssig, Mathias Doerr, Jens-Uwe Hoffmann, and Michael Loewenhaupt
14:00 |
MA 20.125 |
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of the Antiferromagnetic Order in EuZn2Sb2 — •F. Weber, S. Drobnik, K. Grube, C. Pfleiderer, A. Cosceev, M. Uhlarz, H. v. Löhneysen und A. Nateprov
14:00 |
MA 20.126 |
Effective spin description of crystal field effects in NdAl2 — •Ulrich Köbler and Andreas Hoser
14:00 |
MA 20.127 |
Spin correlations in disordered spin chain with itinerant electrons — •Andreas Rothe and Alexander Chudnovskiy
14:00 |
MA 20.128 |
Electronic structure and magnetism of No-dqFerric StarNo-dq molecule — •A. F. Takács, M. Neumann, M. Prinz, A. Postnikov, J. Kortus, A. Scheurer, S. Sperner, and R. W. Saalfrank
14:00 |
MA 20.129 |
Synthese formanisotroper magnetischer Partikel im Submikrometerbereich — •Frank Döbrich, Andreas Tschöpe und Rainer Birringer
14:00 |
MA 20.130 |
Correlation between structural and magnetic characteristics of aligned Fe-filled carbon nanotubes grown on Si substrates — •Radinka Kozhuharova, Stefka Groudeva-Zotova, Dieter Elefant, Andreas Graff, Albrecht Leonhardt, Ingolf Mönch, Thomas Mühl, Manfred Ritschel, and Claus Schneider
14:00 |
MA 20.131 |
Druckabhängigkeit der Suszeptibilität von Fe1−xCoxSi — •M. Finke, D. Menzel, D. Zur und J. Schoenes
14:00 |
MA 20.132 |
Lokale Struktur fester Lösungen von Mn und Fe in Ge — •I. Krug, H. Braak, R. Gareev, D. Bürgler, St. Cramm, F.U. Hillebrecht und C.M. Schneider
14:00 |
MA 20.133 |
Magnetic properties of the diluted semiconductor Ge1−xMnx (Ge1−xCox) — •Erwin Biegger, Lorenz Stäheli, Mikhail Fonin, and Ulrich Rüdiger
14:00 |
MA 20.134 |
Ultraviolette Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie von Mn:TiO2 — •Ivan Jursic, Dirk Menzel und Joachim Schoenes
14:00 |
MA 20.135 |
Elektroresistiver Effekt im sauerstoffdefizitären Manganit Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3-d. — •Klaus Baerner, Changping Yang, Vladimir Morchshakov und Igor Troyanchuk
14:00 |
MA 20.136 |
Ferrimagnetism in the Brownmillerit compounds Sr2M2O5 M = Fe, Co — •Franziska Emmerling, Gerhard H. Fecher, Vadim Ksenofontov und Claudia Felser
14:00 |
MA 20.137 |
Substitutional effects in rare earth based half Heusler compounds — •Fred Casper, Vadim Ksenofontov, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia Felser
14:00 |
MA 20.138 |
Calculated electronic structure of semiconducting Gd compounds with Half-Heusler and LiGaGe-structure — •Hem C. Kandpal, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia Felser
14:00 |
MA 20.139 |
Calculated electronic structure of X2YZ Heusler compounds — •Hem C. Kandpal, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, and Gerd Schönhense
14:00 |
MA 20.140 |
EXAFS-measurements on doped Heusler compounds — •Sabine Wurmehl, Gerhard H. Fecher, Jonder Morais, Maria C. M. Alves, Sergio R. Teixeira, Claudia Felser, and Gerd Schönhense
14:00 |
MA 20.141 |
First-principles investigation of electronic structures and vibrational modes of various types of ternary Heusler alloys with L21 structure — •Waheed Adeniyi Adeagbo, Alexei T. Zayak, and Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.142 |
First-principles investigation of electronic structures and vibrational modes of various types of ternary Heusler alloys with L21 structure — •Waheed Adeniyi Adeagbo, Alexei T. Zayak, and Peter Entel
14:00 |
MA 20.143 |
Magnetic properties in chromium-chalcogenide systems — •Diana Benea, Hubert Ebert, Wolfgang Bensch, and Zhong-Le Huang
14:00 |
MA 20.144 |
Canted antiferromagnetism in U1−xLaxCu9Sn4 — •E.-W. Scheidt, U. Killer, H. Michor, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, and W. Scherer
14:00 |
MA 20.145 |
Magnetic and electrical properties of intermetallic ternary rare earth compounds — •H. Hartmann, O. Heyer, S. Jodlauk, K. Kordonis, T. Lorenz, A. Freimuth, T. Fickenscher, and R. Pöttgen
14:00 |
MA 20.146 |
Investigation of Sr2FeMoO6 by means of magnetic circular dichroism in x-ray absorption and resonant x-ray emissionat Fe L-edge — •M. Raekers, K. Kuepper, A. F. Takács, H. Hesse, and M. Neumann
14:00 |
MA 20.147 |
Absorption spectroscopy and XMCD at the Verwey transition of Fe3O4 — •Eberhard Goering, Mirsini Lafkioti, Stefan Gold, and Gisela Schütz
14:00 |
MA 20.148 |
Doping and lattice effects in the half-metallic double perovskite A2CrWO6 — •Oliver Sanganas, Stephan Geprägs, Petra Majewski, Andreas Erb, Matthias Opel, Lambert Alff, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
MA 20.149 |
Investigation of Transition Metal Substituted Polyoxotungstates by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy — •M. Prinz, A. F. Takács, M. Neumann, U. Kortz, I. Balasz, and E. Burzo
14:00 |
MA 20.150 |
Corrosion of Nd-Fe-B magnets in aqueous environments — •Mihaela Rada, Annett Gebert, Oliver Gutfleisch, and Ludwig Schultz
14:00 |
MA 20.151 |
Oxidationsverhalten von Sm-Co-Permanentmagneten bis 500oC — •Stefan Kardelky, Annett Gebert, Oliver Gutfleisch und Ludwig Schultz
14:00 |
MA 20.152 |
AMR Sensor Array for the Detection of Defects in Aluminum Laser Welds — •Kai Allweins and Marc von Kreutzbruck
14:00 |
MA 20.153 |
Magnetische Ortung und Klassifizierung von Luft- und Landfahrzeugen auf Flughäfen — •Thomas Heuer, Haibin Gao und Uwe Hartmann
14:00 |
MA 20.154 |
Modelling the Procopiu Effect — •J. Velleuer, A. Hackl, and E. Kisker
14:00 |
MA 20.155 |
A Desktop NMR Cryogen free Magnet For 100 And 200Mhz — •Jeremy Good
14:00 |
MA 20.156 |
EPR Study of N@C60 and P@C60 in 1D Matrices — •Ch. Spudat, W. Harneit, B. Naydenov, M. Scheloske, H.I. Süss, and J. Hullinger
14:00 |
MA 20.157 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of a hexanuclear ferric wheel — •Harald Nieber, Klaus Doll, and Gertrud Zwicknagl
14:00 |
MA 20.158 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of multinuclear Ni(II) complexes — •C. Golze, C. Mennerich, M. Bröckelmann, V. Kataev, H.-H. Klauss, B. Büchner, A. Wolter, S. Süllow, J. Litterst, R. Klingeler, S. Demeshko, G. Leibeling, F. Meyer, and D.-J. Price
14:00 |
MA 20.159 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of Fe (II) based molecular magnets — •F. Gouider, J. Kreitlow, D. Baabe, S. Süllow, J. Litterst, R. Feyerherm, A. Loose, T. Ishida, T. Nogami, K. Doll, and H.-H. Klauss
14:00 |
MA 20.160 |
Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Long-Range Magnetic Ordering in the Antiferromagnetic Quantum Chain System CuBr2 — •Reinhard K Kremer, Michael Banks, Arndt Simon, and Bachir Ouladdiaf
14:00 |
MA 20.161 |
EuGe: A system close to the transition from a ferro- to an antiferromagnetic state — •Julia Ferstl and Christoph Geibel
14:00 |
MA 20.162 |
New clathrate-like compounds EuPd5P2 and EuPd12P5 — •Ulrike Köhler, Sergij Budnyk, Silke Paschen, Frank Steglich, and Yuri Grin
14:00 |
MA 20.163 |
YbFe4Sb12: Divalent Ytterbium State and Itinerant Magnetism of the Skutterudite Host Structure — •W. Schnelle, A. Leithe-Jasper, H. Rosner, M. Schmidt, M. Baenitz, J.A. Mydosh, and Y. Grin
14:00 |
MA 20.164 |
Electronic structure of NiO monolayer on Ag(100) — •L. H. Tjeng, C.-F. Chang, S. Altieri, S. Heise, M. W. Haverkort, Z. Hu, S. V. Streltsov, V. I. Anisimov, H. H. Hsieh, H.-J. Lin, D.-J. Huang und C.T. Chen
14:00 |
MA 20.165 |
Spin versus orbital Kondo effect in electrostatically coupled double quantum dots — •Daniel Bezecny and Alexander L. Chudnovskiy