15:15 |
MA 27.1 |
Micromagnetic Dissipation, Dispersion and Mode Conversion in thin Permalloy platelets — •Matthias Buess, Thomas Haug, Michael R. Scheinfein und Christian H. Back
15:30 |
MA 27.2 |
Damping in thin ferromagnetic films — •H.T. Nembach, P. Martin Pimentel, M.C. Weber, J. Fassbender, and B. Hillebrands
15:45 |
MA 27.3 |
Damping of ultrafast spin dynamics in nanostructures: An ab-initio study — •Daniel Steiauf and Manfred Fähnle
16:00 |
MA 27.4 |
Limitations of the Landau-Lifshitz-Equation and spin-pump effects in magnetic nanostructures — •K. Lenz, E. Kosubek, T. Toliński, K. Baberschke, and A. Janossy
16:15 |
MA 27.5 |
Dynamic losses and domain refinement in nanocrystalline tape wound cores — •Sybille Flohrer, Rudolf Schäfer, Jeffrey McCord, Stefan Roth, Giselher Herzer und Ludwig Schultz
16:30 |
MA 27.6 |
FMR study of thin Fe layers grown on hexagonal GaN — •Matthias Buchmeier, Ralph Meijers, Raffaella Calarco, and Daniel E. Bürgler
16:45 |
MA 27.7 |
Modifikation der magnetischen Dämpfung in Permalloy-Schichten durch Cr-Implantation — •J. Fassbender, J. McCord, M. Weisheit und R. Mattheis
17:00 |
MA 27.8 |
Angle dependent switching of spherically shaped nanostructures — •Till C. Ulbrich, Ildico L. Guhr, Dieter Süss, Tomas Schrefl, Denis Makarov, Günter Schatz, and Manfred Albrecht
17:15 |
MA 27.9 |
Current-induced precessional magnetization reversal — •Hans Werner Schumacher, Claude Chappert, Ricardo C. Sousa, and Paulo P. Freitas
17:30 |
MA 27.10 |
Small and large angle precession in exchange biased bilayers — •Markus C. Weber, Hans Nembach, Burkard Hillebrands, and Jürgen Fassbender
17:45 |
MA 27.11 |
Ultrafast direct writing schemes for SAF MRAM cells — •H.T. Nembach, C. Bayer, M.C. Weber, P. Martin Pimentel, P.A. Beck, B. Leven, and B. Hillebrands
18:00 |
MA 27.12 |
Dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion: Dependence on wall energy, mobility, and Zeeman energy — •K. Fukumoto, W. Kuch, J. Vogel, J. Camarero, S. Pizzini, F. Romanens, M. Bonfim, A. Fontaine, and J. Kirschner
18:15 |
MA 27.13 |
AC-driven Domain Walls in Random Media — •Andreas Glatz, Thomas Nattermann, and Valery Pokrovsky