10:30 |
MA 5.1 |
Oscillatory Curie Temperature in Ultrathin Ferromagnets: Experimental Evidence — •C. Rüdt, A. Scherz, and K. Baberschke
10:45 |
MA 5.2 |
Investigation of the topography and the magnetic structure of reconstructed Mn films on Fe(001) — •C. L. Gao, U. Schlickum, W. Wulfhekel, and J. Kirschner
11:00 |
MA 5.3 |
Spin reorientation in high magnetic field and the Co-Gd exchange field in GdCo5 — •Michael Kuzmin, Yuri Skourski, Dieter Eckert, Manuel Richter, Karl-Hartmut Müller, Konstantin Skokov, and Irina Tereshina
11:15 |
MA 5.4 |
Fermifläche und Valenzbandstruktur von ferromagnetischen Gd-, Tb- und Dy-Filmen — •K. M. Döbrich, J. E. Prieto, K. Rossnagel, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, G. Kaindl und K. Starke
11:30 |
MA 5.5 |
Magnetic X-Ray Scattering at the Lanthanide M5 Resonance — •H. Ott, C. Schüssler-Langeheine, E. Schierle, V. Leiner, H. Zabel, G. Kaindl, and E. Weschke
11:45 |
MA 5.6 |
Angular dependent absorption spectroscopy of a de-twinned DyBaCo2O5.5 single crystal — •Myrsini Lafkioti, Stefan Gold, Eberhard Goering, Gisela Schütz, Joachim Deisenhofer, and Peter Lemmens
12:00 |
MA 5.7 |
Magnetism of weakly doped spin chains in La5Ca9Cu24O41 — •R. Leidl, R. Klingeler, B. Büchner, W. Selke, and M. Holtschneider
12:15 |
MA 5.8 |
Substitution of Manganese in electron-doped manganites — •Uwe Amann, Clemens Ritter, Dietmar Hohlwein, and Jörg Ihringer
12:30 |
MA 5.9 |
Giant Magnetoelectric Response in Multiferroic Manganites due to Rare Earth Ordering — •Thomas Lonkai, Uwe Amann, Manfred Fiebig, Dana Tomuta, Dietmar Hohlwein, and Jörg Ihringer
12:45 |
MA 5.10 |
Optische und magnetooptische Eigenschaften von UN-Einkristallen — •M. Marutzky, U. Barkow, R. Troć und J. Schoenes
13:00 |
MA 5.11 |
Neutron Crystal Field Spectroscopy on the Antiferroquadrupolar system TmGa3 — •Michael Banks, Reinhard K Kremer, Danny Mannix, and Amir Murani