15:15 |
MA 7.1 |
Fully oriented Nd-Fe-B films grown on MgO(100) substrates — •Ah-Ram Kwon, Ullrich Hannemann, Sebastian Fähler, Volker Neu, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
15:30 |
MA 7.2 |
Epitaxial Sm-Co thin films with uniaxial in-plane anisotropy — •Aarti Singh, Roland Tamm, Volker Neu, Sebastian Fähler, Ludwig Schultz, Werner Skrotzki, and Bernhard Holzapfel
15:45 |
MA 7.3 |
Thickness dependent T-MOKE and XAS study at the 2p edges of ultrathin Co(0001) films on W(110) — •Armin Kleibert, Joachim Bansmann, Volkmar Senz, and Peter Oppeneer
16:00 |
MA 7.4 |
Magneto-optical signal superposition in ultra-thin Co/Pd structures — •M. Przybylski, M. Nyvlt, and J. Kirschner
16:15 |
MA 7.5 |
Polar contribution to longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr signal — •M. Przybylski, M. Nyvlt, J. Barthel, A. Winkelmann, and J. Kirschner
16:30 |
MA 7.6 |
Untersuchung struktureller und magnetischer Eigenschaften ultradünner Fe Schichten auf Cu(001) im Bereich des fcc-bcc Phasenübergangs mittels streifender Ionenstreuung — •M. Baron, T. Bernhard, M. Gruyters und H. Winter
16:45 |
MA 7.7 |
Spin polarization, structure and chemical composition of ultrathin Rh layers on Fe(100) — •Marco Busch, Markus Gruyters, and Helmut Winter
17:00 |
MA 7.8 |
Spin-reorientation-transitions in Co films on Pd(110) — •L. Yan, M. Przybylski, J. Barthel, and J. Kirschner
17:15 |
MA 7.9 |
Magnetism of Co and Fe films grown on Pd-monolayer/Cu(001) — •Y. Lu, M. Przybylski, M. Nyvlt, and J. Kirschner
17:30 |
MA 7.10 |
Influence of deposition method on magnetism of Fe and Co films on Pd(001) — •Y. Shi, M. Przybylski, M. Rams, J. Barthel, H. L. Meyerheim, and J. Kirschner
17:45 |
MA 7.11 |
Structural effects on the magnetic behavior of ultrathin Co films on Cu(001) at the TC jump — •M. Gruyters, T. Bernhard, M. Baron, and H. Winter
18:00 |
MA 7.12 |
On the correlation of intrinsic properties, microstructure and hard magnetic properties of FePt films — •Sebastian F ähler, Martin Weisheit, Volker Neu, and Ludwig Schultz
18:15 |
MA 7.13 |
Hard magnetic electrodeposited FePt films — •Karin Leistner, Andreas Krause, Heike Schlörb, Martin Weisheit, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler