Augsburg 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 2: Laserstrahlwechselwirkungen / Röntgenlaser
Montag, 27. März 2006, 17:00–17:45, 1003
17:00 |
K 2.1 |
Observation of lattice oscillations in Ge after femtosecond optical excitation — •Uladzimir Shymanovich, Matthieu Nicoul, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, Stephan Kähle, Alexander Tarasevitch, and Dietrich von der Linde
17:15 |
K 2.2 |
Generation of high order harmonics from surfaces in the relativistic regime — •Konstantin Lobov, Alexander Tarasevitch, and Dietrich von der Linde
17:30 |
K 2.3 |
GRIP Ni-like Zr x-ray laser with PHELIX at GSI — •Daniel Ursescu, Bernhard Zielbauer, Paul Neumayer, Thomas Kuehl, Peter Nickles, Kevin Cassou, David Ros, Annie Klisnick, and James Dunn