15:30 |
AKB 30.1 |
Effects of Foraging Dynamics on Food-web Topology and Stability — •Satoshi Uchida and Barbara Drossel
15:30 |
AKB 30.2 |
Structural characterization of recombinant spider silk protein films immobilized to solid surface — •Ezzeldin Metwalli, Ute Slotta, Thomas Scheibel, and Christine Papadakis
15:30 |
AKB 30.3 |
High resolution imaging of dsDNA by means of scanning tunneling microscopy — •Mihail Brezeanu, Frank Hubenthal, and Frank Träger
15:30 |
AKB 30.4 |
Studying Slow Membrane Dynamics with Continuous Wave Scanning Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy — •Jonas Ries and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.5 |
Towards Nanotomography of Bovine Bones — •Stephanie Röper, Nicolaus Rehse, Heidemarie Teichmann, and Robert Magerle
15:30 |
AKB 30.6 |
Single molecule fluorescence imaging of the photoconverting fluorescent protein Kaede — •Stephan P. Schäfer, Eugene P. Petrov, Petra S. Dittrich, and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.7 |
Energy landscapes of model proteins — •Frank Dressel, Sigismund Kobe, and Michael Schroeder
15:30 |
AKB 30.8 |
A genetic circuit that memorizes a signal on command — •Georg Fritz, Nicholas E. Buchler, Terence Hwa, and Ulrich Gerland
15:30 |
AKB 30.9 |
Nonlinear Thermophoresis — •Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
15:30 |
AKB 30.10 |
Electronic structure of surface-layer proteins probed by resonant photoemission — •Denis Vyalikh, Vlodimir Maslyuk, Andreas Kade, Steffen Danzenbächer, Alexandr Kirchner, Yuri Dedkov, Michael Mertig, Ingrid Mertig, and Serguei Molodtsov
15:30 |
AKB 30.11 |
Cell vitality probed by noise analysis of thickness shear mode resonators: a new means to measure vertical cell motility — •A. Sapper, A. Janshoff, and J. Wegener
15:30 |
AKB 30.12 |
Diffusive target-site search on a dynamic polymer — •Thomas Schötz and Ulrich Gerland
15:30 |
AKB 30.13 |
Intracellular CARS spectral imaging. — •Alexander Kovalev, Patincharath Nandakumar, and Andreas Volkmer
15:30 |
AKB 30.14 |
Spatially and spectrally resolved fluorescence correlation spectroscopy — •Markus Burkhardt and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.15 |
Offdiagonal Complexity: Characterizing graph complexity from nondiagonal link correlations - Application to biological networks — •Jens Christian Claussen
15:30 |
AKB 30.16 |
Molecular modeling of transport through OmpF channels — •U. Kleinekathöfer and M. Winterhalter
15:30 |
AKB 30.17 |
Negative thermal expansion and confomation changes in the smallest chiral amino acid, Alanine — •Heloisa Nunes-Bordallo, Dimitri Argyriou, Jörg Strempfer, Mariette Barthès , and Françoise Dénoyere
15:30 |
AKB 30.18 |
Effect of genome sequence on the force induced unzipping of a DNA molecule — •Navin Singh and Yashwant Singh
15:30 |
AKB 30.19 |
Two protein species binding cooperatively and specifically to DNA: physical and functional constraints — •Nico Geisel and Ulrich Gerland
15:30 |
AKB 30.20 |
Single-molecule enzyme kinetics in picoliter confined volumes — •Wolfgang Staroske, Fedor Malik, and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.21 |
Thermodynamics along a stochastic trajectory for chemical reaction networks — •Tim Schmiedl and Udo Seifert
15:30 |
AKB 30.22 |
Calibration of optical tweezers using a piezo-electric translation stage — •Simon F. Tolic-Norrelykke, Erik Schaeffer , Francesco S. Pavone , Jonathon Howard, Frank Julicher, and Henrik Flyvbjerg
15:30 |
AKB 30.23 |
AFM measurements of living cells — •Michael Holzwarth, Katrin Hübner, Alexander Gigler, and Othmar Marti
15:30 |
AKB 30.24 |
Binding of TmHU to single ds-DNA observed by optical tweezers — •Mathias Salomo, Klaus Kroy, Kati Kegler, Christof Gutsche, Marc Struhalla, Jörg Reinmuth, Wiktor Skokov, Claudia Immisch, and Friedrich Kremer
15:30 |
AKB 30.25 |
Synchrotron x-ray diffraction from solid supported membranes: Cholesterol enriched mixtures — •Christian Reich, Joachim Rädler, and Bert Nickel
15:30 |
AKB 30.26 |
Targeted transfection and gene-silencing using femtosecond laser pulses — •Elke Haustein, Thomas Ohrt, and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.27 |
Microscopic fluctuations determine global behavior of cells — •Alexander Skupin and Martin Falcke
15:30 |
AKB 30.28 |
Nanoelectrode Arrays for On-Chip Manipulation of Organic Substances and Proteins in Aqueous Solutions — •Cheng-Ping Luo, Andreas Heeren, Wolfgang Henschel, and Dieter P. Kern
15:30 |
AKB 30.29 |
Stress fluctuation and microrheology in endothelial cells — •Daniel Paranhos Zitterbart, Carina Raupach, and Ben Fabry
15:30 |
AKB 30.30 |
Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Single Fibroblasts — •Pablo Fernandez, Pramod Pullarkat, and Albrecht Ott
15:30 |
AKB 30.31 |
Hybridization and melting experiments on oligonucleotide microarrays — •Thomas Naiser and Albrecht Ott
15:30 |
AKB 30.32 |
Hydrogen Forces in DNA — •Hauke Schollmeyer, Youli Li, and Cyrus Safinya
15:30 |
AKB 30.33 |
Th1–Th2 Regulation and Allergy: Bifurcation Analysis of a Stroboscopic Map — •Reinhard Vogel and Ulrich Behn
15:30 |
AKB 30.34 |
Transport in Random Media with an Orientational Degree of Freedom — •Felix Höfling, Thomas Franosch, and Erwin Frey
15:30 |
AKB 30.35 |
Detection of single oxygen molecules by single-molecule fluorescence microscopy — •Wolfgang Erker, Sven Sdorra, and Thomas Basché
15:30 |
AKB 30.36 |
FORCE SPECTROSCOPY ON SINGLE INTEGRIN-INVASIN BONDS — •Agnieszka Ligezowska, Kristian Boye, Johannes Eble, Bernd Hoffmann, and Rudolf Merkel
15:30 |
AKB 30.37 |
The role of lipids with positive curvature in the formation of membrane pores — •Jakob C. Schweizer and Petra Schwille
15:30 |
AKB 30.38 |
Dual-Color Single-Virus Tracing: Investigating the Entry Pathway of HIV — •Stefan Riegelsberger, John A. G. Briggs, Barbara Müller, Marko Lampe, Thomas Endress, Don C. Lamb, Hans-Georg Kräusslich, and Christoph Bräuchle
15:30 |
AKB 30.39 |
Investigation of the first steps of TNF-mediated apoptosis by FCS and FCCS in live cells — •Felix Neugart, Carsten Tietz, Magarita Gerken, Andrea Zappe, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, Peter Scheurich, and Jörg Wrachtrup
15:30 |
AKB 30.40 |
Investigation of the mechanical properties of lipid bilayers with nanomechanical cantilever array sensors — •Ioana Pera and Jürgen Fritz