16:30 |
AKB 40.1 |
Effects of Eye-phase in DNA unzipping — •Sanjay Kumar
16:30 |
AKB 40.2 |
Macroscopic crystallographic structure of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and spisula solidissima by pole figure analysis — •Simone Herth, Jeremy K. Bigness, and Robert H. Doremus
16:30 |
AKB 40.3 |
Simulation studies of lipid bilayer around a conical inclusion and mediated interactions between inclusions. — •Gregoria illya and Markus Deserno
16:30 |
AKB 40.4 |
Conformational properties of semiconductor-binding synthetic peptides — •Gökhan Gökoglu, Michael Bachmann, Tarik Çelik, and Wolfhard Janke
16:30 |
AKB 40.5 |
Traction Force Microscopy on Elastic Layers of Finite Thickness — •Rudolf Merkel, Claudia Cesa, Bernd Hoffmann, and Norbert Kirchgessner
16:30 |
AKB 40.6 |
Competition of Diffusion and Driven Motion in Lattice Gases — •Hauke Hinsch, Paolo Pierobon, and Erwin Frey
16:30 |
AKB 40.7 |
Two-Dimensional Dynamics of a Semiflexible Polymer in Flow — •Tobias Munk and Erwin Frey
16:30 |
AKB 40.8 |
Vasculature remodeling in tumor-induced angiogenesis – a stochastic model — •Raja Paul, Katalin Bartha, and Heiko Rieger
16:30 |
AKB 40.9 |
Influence of lipid rafts on cell signalling — •Stefan Semrau and Thomas Schmidt
16:30 |
AKB 40.10 |
Topological correlations enhance pattern formation in reaction-diffusion processes on scale-free networks — •Sebastian Weber, Marc-Thorsten Hütt, and Markus Porto
16:30 |
AKB 40.11 |
Prediction of site-specific amino acid distributions and limits of divergent evolutionary changes in protein sequences — •Markus Porto, Ugo Bastolla, H. Eduardo Roman, and Michele Vendruscolo
16:30 |
AKB 40.12 |
Elastic properties of viral capsids — •Mathias Puhlmann and Peter Lenz
16:30 |
AKB 40.13 |
Supramolecular organization of photosynthetic complexes in model membrane systems — •Tobias Pflock, Manuela Dezi, Giovanni Venturoli, Jürgen Köhler, and Silke Oellerich
16:30 |
AKB 40.14 |
Pumping Nanofluidics Optically along Freely Defined Patterns — •Franz Weinert and Braun Dieter
16:30 |
AKB 40.15 |
Conductivity of unordered denatured and hybridized DNA — •Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, Christian Jördens, Kai Baaske, Thomas Weimann, Martin Hrabe de Angelis, and Martin Koch
16:30 |
AKB 40.16 |
The Stress of Leaves in our Climatic Environment — •Agnieszka Krol-Otwinowska, Karl Hieble, and Margret Giesen
16:30 |
AKB 40.17 |
The effect of differentiation on the deformability of cells — •Franziska Lautenschläger, S. Schinkinger, M. Jungnitsch, J. Schwarz, and J Guck
16:30 |
AKB 40.18 |
Probability for specific bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall — •Christian Korn and Ulrich S. Schwarz
16:30 |
AKB 40.19 |
Towards surface-based model systems of the pericellular coat — •Ralf Richter and Joachim Spatz
16:30 |
AKB 40.20 |
Statistics of local sequence alignments — •Stefan Wolfsheimer and Alexander K. Hartmann
16:30 |
AKB 40.21 |
Light scattering measurements on single cells in a dual beam laser trap — •Moritz Kreysing, Kort Travis, and Jochen Guck
16:30 |
AKB 40.22 |
Phase behaviour of DMPC and farnesol mixtures — •Maria Hanulova and Sergio S Funari
16:30 |
AKB 40.23 |
Cell rheology at high stress — •Philip Kollmannsberger, Johannes Pauli, Claudia Mierke, Carina Raupach, and Ben Fabry
16:30 |
AKB 40.24 |
Controlling the Surface Density of DNA on Au by Electrically Induced Desorption — •Kenji Arinaga, Ulrich Rant, Jelena Knežević, Erika Pringsheim, Marc Tornow, Shozo Fujita, Naoki Yokoyama, and Gerhard Abstreiter
16:30 |
AKB 40.25 |
Modelling cell-population growth of in-vitro monolayers — •Michael Block, Dirk Drasdo, and Eckehard Schöll
16:30 |
AKB 40.26 |
Counterion profile at a planar charged interface by anomalous x-ray reflectivity — •Klaus Giewekemeyer and Tim Salditt
16:30 |
AKB 40.27 |
Control of Single Nanocrystal Fluorescence Emission in a combined TIRFM/AFM Setup — •Rainer Eckel, Volker Walhorn, Christoph Pelargus, Thomas Nann, Dario Anselmetti, and Robert Ros
16:30 |
AKB 40.28 |
Highly oriented liquid water within the cationic lipid DODAB — •Lydia Woiterski, Josef A. Käs, David W. Britt, and Carsten Selle
16:30 |
AKB 40.29 |
An Intestinal Drug Transport Model — •Niko Komin and Raúl Toral
16:30 |
AKB 40.30 |
Purification and characterisation of nacre proteins and their interaction of nacre proteins with CaCO3 at the molecular scale — •Laura Treccani, Fabian Heinemann, and Monika Fritz
16:30 |
AKB 40.31 |
Orientation of the Membrane-Active Peptide Gramicidin S within Model Membranes — •Stefan Surber
16:30 |
AKB 40.32 |
Electrostatic Interactions modulated within Monolayers of charged Amphiphilic Peptide — •Ann Falk, Stefan Surber, Lydia Woiterski, Josef Käs, and Carsten Selle
16:30 |
AKB 40.33 |
Dynamics of the denaturated protein Ribonuclease A — •Ralf Biehl, Bernd Hoffmann, Michael Monkenbusch, Aurel Radulescu, Bela Farago, Rudolf Merkel, and Dieter Richter
16:30 |
AKB 40.34 |
Self-assembled phagosome crystal structures in fibroblasts — •Vamsi Kodali, Joachim Spatz, and Jennifer Curtis
16:30 |
AKB 40.35 |
Transport along freely suspended actin cortex models in a controlled microfluidic environment — •Simon Schulz, Tamas Haraszti, Wouter Roos, Christian Schmitz, Jens Ulmer, Stefan Graeter, and Joachim P. Spatz
16:30 |
AKB 40.36 |
Effect of cholesterol on the collective dynamics ofphospholipid membranes — •Beate Brüning, Tim Salditt, Arno Hiess, and Maikel C. Rheinstädter
16:30 |
AKB 40.37 |
Approximation of localised calcium fluxes — •Kajetan Bentele and Martin Falcke
16:30 |
AKB 40.38 |
DNA elasticity and specific binding — •Nils Becker and Ralf Everaers
16:30 |
AKB 40.39 |
Molecular Dynamics Study of the Chromophore Binding pocket in Rhodopsin — •Minoru Sugihara, Markus Gruner, Peter Entel, and Volker Buss
16:30 |
AKB 40.40 |
DNA Melting in Aggregates: Impeded or Facilitated? — •Andrey Cherstvy and Alexei A. Kornyshev
16:30 |
AKB 40.41 |
Optical manipulation of neuronal cells in 3D scaffolds — •Andreas Christ and Jochen Guck
16:30 |
AKB 40.42 |
Study of DNA/RNA strand interactions using lattice models — •Christian Simm, Sanjay Kumar, and Ralf Everaers
16:30 |
AKB 40.43 |
Optimal Foraging Strategy: Angle Matters — •Udo Erdmann, Sebastian Göller, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Igor M. Sokolov, and Frank Moss
16:30 |
AKB 40.44 |
Relating microstructure of biomaterials to mechanical properties — •Boris Breidenbach, Adrian Sheppard, Ulrike Wegst, and Klaus Mecke
16:30 |
AKB 40.45 |
Investigation of ion channel function with a high frequency approach — •Michael Olapinski, Andrea Brüggemann, Michael George, Niels Fertig, Stephan Manus, and Friedrich C. Simmel
16:30 |
AKB 40.46 |
Temperature dependent voltage-induced gating of OmpF — •Catalin Chimerel, Liviu Movileanu, and Mathias Winterhalter
16:30 |
AKB 40.47 |
Nanoindentation studies of full and empty viral capsids and the effects of capsid protein mutations on elasticity and strength — •Irena L. Ivanovska, Jean Philippe Michel, M. M. Gibbons, W. S. Klug, C. M. Knobler, Gijs. J.L. Wuite, and Christoph F. Schmidt
16:30 |
AKB 40.48 |
Multifunctional liposomes: controlled permeability and micromanipulation — •Yannic Ramaye, Joana Gomes, Tristan Ruysschaert, Didier Fournier, Jürgen Fritz, and Mathias Winterhalter
16:30 |
AKB 40.49 |
Temperature dependence of X-ray photoreduction and EXAFS Debye-Waller factors suggest role of protein-specific dynamics — •Paola Loja
16:30 |
AKB 40.50 |
Shear-dependency of von Willebrand factor measured in hydrodynamic flow and by micro-pipette aspiration technique — •J. Opfer, A. Wixforth, and M. F. Schneider
16:30 |
AKB 40.51 |
Interaction of the small G-protein Ms-Rac1 from Medicago sativa with GTP — •Daniel Wesner, Martina Brecht, Karsten Niehaus, Dario Anselmetti, and Robert Ros
16:30 |
AKB 40.52 |
Motion by Stopping: Brownian motors without asymmetric potential — •Susan Sporer, Christian Goll, and Klaus Mecke
16:30 |
AKB 40.53 |
Form follows function: how PufX–induced dimerization improves the efficiency of the light harvesting complexes of Rb. sphaeroides — •Tihamer Geyer
16:30 |
AKB 40.54 |
Normal heart beat, alternans and fibrillation in a model for the rabbit ventricles — •Steffen Bauer , Georg Röder , and Markus Bär
16:30 |
AKB 40.55 |
SFM-Investigations on cell motility — •C. Brunner, M. Gögler, A. Ehrlicher, B. Kohlstrunk, D. Knebel, and J. Käs
16:30 |
AKB 40.56 |
Two-photon scanning fluorescence correlation and cross-correlation spectroscopy — •Zdeněk Petrášek and Petra Schwille
16:30 |
AKB 40.57 |
Transitions in a bistable model of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-phosphatase system in response to LTP and LTD protocols — •Michael Graupner and Nicolas Brunel
16:30 |
AKB 40.58 |
DNA transport during bacterial transformation — •Madeleine Leisner, Martin Clausen, Irena Draskovic, Dave Dubnau, and Berenike Maier
16:30 |
AKB 40.59 |
Fluorescence analysis of environmental stress response of single cells within a bacterial population — •Judith Leierseder, Kirsten Jung, and Joachim Rädler
16:30 |
AKB 40.60 |
Structure and Stability of Thiol Containing Collagen Peptides — •Christian Renner, Ulrike Kusebauch, Sergio Cadamuro, and Luis Moroder
16:30 |
AKB 40.61 |
Characterisation of the affinity improvement of antibody mutants with dynamic force spectroscopy — •Julia Morfill and Kerstin Blank
16:30 |
AKB 40.62 |
Close contact fluctuations: the seeding of signalling domains in the immunlogical synapse — •Amit Chattopadhyay
16:30 |
AKB 40.63 |
Proton-driven rotation within the F_0-motor of ATP synthase — •Nawid Zarrabi, Monika Düser, Dan J. Cipriano, S. Dunn, and Michael Börsch
16:30 |
AKB 40.64 |
Surface-diffraction from proteins interacting with solid supported membranes — •Kirstin Seidel, Christian Daniel , Bert Nickel, and Joachim Rädler
16:30 |
AKB 40.65 |
Capacitive Stimulation of Neurons by Opening Na+ Channels with Silicon Chips — •Ingmar Schoen and Peter Fromherz
16:30 |
AKB 40.66 |
Mesoscopic simulations of membrane protein diffusion and membrane-protein interactions — •Gernot Guigas and Matthias Weiss
16:30 |
AKB 40.67 |
Imaging of Electrical Dynamics in Cultured Brain Slices by Multi-Transistor-Array (MTA) Recording — •Armin Lambacher, Michael Hutzler, Martin Jenkner, Björn Eversmann, Roland Thewes, and Peter Fromherz
16:30 |
AKB 40.68 |
Adaptive Resolution Scheme for Efficient Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations — •Matej Praprotnik, Luigi Delle Site, and Kurt Kremer
16:30 |
AKB 40.69 |
Diffusion along Microfluidic Channels — •Andreas Heeren, Cheng-Ping Luo, Guenter Roth, Alexander Ganser, Roland Brock, Karl-Heinz Wiesmueller, Wolfgang Henschel, and Dieter Kern